Jun 03, 2009 12:08
= My request list to the Cosmos last night is running at a 50% clip. No such luck with Speidi, the Earth swallowing me whole, or that whole time bubble thing. But I did get a Frapp, I've got plans to see a 1:30 showing of "Up" this afternoon, and work has been positively serene all morning. I'll take it.
= The NBC Special on the Obama White House last night was fantastic, and I'm eagerly looking forward to part two tonight.
= My great Twitter experiment hasn't been going very well. I think the problem is that my boss has found me there, on MySpace, and on Facebook. And as well as I get along with her, it's just strange. I like having my lives a little separate, which is why I still love it here. It feels private and public at the same time.
= I'm craving a cupcake.
= ConeBone has been tons of fun so far this week on The Tonight Show, and as much as I hate that he's against my beloved Letterman and Colbert, he's got my viewership this week. I loved Tom Hanks talking about In n Out Burger last night, because it's absolutely something everyone should do if they visit. Pearl Jam was less than stellar on Monday night, which pains me to say. I don't know wtf was wrong with the sound/Eddie's voice, but something was off. But otherwise, the song has me excited for their new album (Backspacer), especially since they're releasing it themselves.
= Randomly: Burn Notice S3 starts tomorrow night! NPH hosts the Tonys this weekend!
= Don't tell anyone, but after my next paycheck, I'm going to be sincerely looking up dates for the AI Live Tour. Between San Diego (which would be awesome because it's where Adam grew up), Los Angeles, and Ontario, I'm determined to find great seats that won't cause me to go into debt.
= Current Netflix: Season 1 of ER. Hot damn, it was such a bleeping great show.
life: as i know it,
reality: kradam,
online: fandom,
tv: misc