= Wah. Today is supposed to be my kickback Saturday and instead I'm in superwoman cleaning mode with a side order of shopoholic fever. meep. I feel like I've been cleaning for years. Literally, I clean one section of my apartment at a time, and then when it's time to clean another part, the first part needs re-cleaning. I'm one person, no pets, no kids, no nothing, how did I get so messy? And might I add.. dust is evil. Ick. But my awesome yellow cleaning gloves? Totally made of win.
= Soooo... primaries. How you doin'? I'm a registered Independent, but I pretty much vote Democratic. I just don't like to be labeled, and I'd like the freedom to get all wacky conservative over an issue or two when I get a fever... or something. Anyway, I'm of the mind that Anybody But Bush will be an improvement, so that if (ugggh) Romney or McCain pull this out, I won't feel like jumping off a building. But mostly, on the Donkey side of things, I'm an Obama supporter, as verified by that dumbass meme from a few weeks ago. It pains me sometimes to not pull for a Clinton - and again, any donkey would be better at this point - but it's what I'm doing. And the latest interesting read is
"Where do the candidates stand on modern biology?" = JC's judging a dancey show? Eh? Okay. :( I guess it's just as good as Joey hosting a fake singy show, yeah? Maybe? Work with me here.
= I never actually posted about my love for Bones, did I? Maybe I did. Well, I just bought the first two seasons on DVD, so I'm re-watching and re-loving. It's something I got wayyyy into before BB ate my soul in 2007 (not the fandom, just the show). It just seemed to hit on the perfect note for me. Nothing too dramatic or serious, with touches of awwww and touches of heeeee! with little spits of ewwwww and sniffwah!! And here comes the blashphemy - I much prefer David Boreanaz in this role than as Angel. *ducks* But anyway, I miss the show something awful. They have four new episodes left and Fox isn't airing them until April or May or something very, very far away. That is the definition of suckage.
= Speaking of Angel, have you seen? The whole freakin' box set can be purchased for, like, a quarter! Well, okay, more like 70 bucks, but for five seasons, that's a steal! I wish I had the guts to purchase it instead of buying so much omgcuteotherstuff today.
= I love Liason. They make me melty.
= One month until BB9. Hold me. No, seriously, hold onto me so I don't disappear again. I'm going to do my damndest to hate everyone in the house, trust.
= Over on BBUK Celebrity Hijack, I was a little disappointed to see Jade go. She seemed quite genuine and sweet. Yeah, annoying a bit, but sweet.
= Candy Wow Update: Going very well! I'm taking excellent care of myself for a change, I'm getting to sleep a bit earlier every night, I'm rearranging my living space so that it's more workable for me, I'm making sure I stay happy in the face of potential sadness. So all is well here!
= Thanks to whedonesque, I got to hear this
fun little song called "I Miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by Megan Gogerty. She has a few controversial opinions, but overall, it's quite sweet and kinda funny.
Itty bitty bit about FNL last night... SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I want to be Tim Riggins when I grow up. I want to be honorable, Coach! Thank god Julie spoke up, I was worried that she wouldn't. But, but, stealing from a meth dealer? Oh noez. Not good.
= American Idol in 3 days! omgheee! I'll be doing the media thing in the other journal for the show again, btw!
= The Amazing Race: It's coming to an end very soon, and even though they're a longshot, I'm pulling for TK and Rachel, hands down. 2nd, Nick and Donald (they've grown on me). 3rd, Christina and Ronald (he's SO annoying, but I think he tries sometimes, sigh). And fourth, the bitching couple of the race. Who cares what their names are? There's one every year, and I always hate them every year. So blerrgh.
= Bah. This post was done to procrastinate. But go, I must. I hope you all have a lovely day. :)
And even the last of the blue-eyed babies know
That the burning man is the color of the end of day
And how every tongue that gets bit always has another word to say