So plant the thought and watch it grow, wind it up and let it go...

Dec 31, 2007 13:37

Jeeeeebus. It's like trying to pull teeth, getting me to actually finish a post these days. So much so that I forgot this!

The other four days of Google Holiday Goodness...

So, Christmas! Despite my greatest efforts over the few weeks preceeding the event, I just wasn't feeling the holiday spirit, so I wasn't sure how the big day would go. But it went really well! Didn't get much, I'm actually more of the Santa of the family - I overbuy for everyone else, and receive very little in return. But I'm so very okay with that, and if you knew me when I was a teenager, you wonder who this pod person is that feels this way. lol But I got everyone awesome gifts this year that they genuinely loved and needed and it made me feel spectacular. And we were together, which was what mattered most. I did score a Target gift card, which made me squeal a bit. Because.. Target! And yes, it's all been spent already. der.

After the events, I came home and napped and then woke up to lots of leftovers and lots of chocolate that had gone uneaten earlier in the day. Oh 2007, you've done a number on my waistline, and I hate you for that. 2008 is gonna kick your ass! With Ninja stars! I then settled in for the Top 100 Songs of the 80s on VH1 (omg! tragical! I Melt With You was #39?), and finished up the night with my DVD of Santa and the Three Bears, my favorite childhood Xmas movie. sniff.


= It was Eddie Vedder's birthday last week, he turned 43. And he's still as beautifully insightful and tragic and talented (oh, and hot) as ever. To celebrate, I'm sharing (with kaelie and anyone else who wants them), the Pearl Jam Christmas Singles for the year... sorry they're a little after the season. lol

[ Pearl Jam - Santa God ]
[ Pearl Jam - Jingle Bells ] -- this is a rock instrumental that owns me

= My latest Netflix was that Ewan McGregor documentary/travel show "Long Way Round." It's phenomenal!! I loved it. It was so interesting to see him in a different environment and to see how much he and Charley had a true appreciation for the countries they went through. I found myself wishing it went on forever.

= Wowee, so many more cards to thank you all for! List, part deux: marrymehowie, pacific_gravity, _lolapalooza, megansync, topaz119, chicksrus (Marion!), daisydust, mickeym, and the last one I received just today.. from rikes! Thank you all sooo much! I hope I didn't forget anyone, I really tried to make sure I kept them all in the same place so I wouldn't leave anyone out. You all made my holiday that much more sparkly and beautiful. :)

= Did anyone else catch the "Extras" Christmas Special on HBO? Did anyone else get incredibly moved by it? I love shows that kindof surprise me that way. I should've known to expect it from Ricky Gervais, given what he pulled off with The Office, but I couldn't believe how much Maggie's (so brilliantly played by Ugly Betty's Ashley Jensen) situation genuinely touched me. By the time "This Woman's Work" started welling up under the Maggie montage, I was weeping. Gawd. And then Andy having his moment of clarity on Big Brother? Hilarious setup for a heartwrenching admission. Sigh. If you enjoyed the show and haven't watched the Christmas special yet, DO IT. If you've never watched the show, I think you can still watch that special and enjoy it. Oh, Ricky, how will you make me laugh and cry next? I'm excited to find out.

= New favorite movie? The little one that could, "Once." Maybe you've heard of it? I'd been reading amazing things about it, and then Koko saw it and told me I'd love it so I did something I never do, I actually bought a movie I'd never seen before. And I'm glad I did. It was the kind of movie that snuck up on me (similar to that Extras episode).. I was watching it, enjoying it and enjoying it and it was lovely, and by the time the credits were rolling, I was crying from the beauty of it all. Just, GAH. It was a critical darling at Sundance, and the music that's come from it is mesmerizing and haunting. Here's a youtube from the most recognizable song with clips from the movie.

image Click to view

= Who needed more DVDs? ME! With Target gift card in hand, and a bit of a splurge, I also picked up in the last couple of weeks... Bones Seasons 1 & 2, The Bourne Series (for $40 at Target!), Hot Fuzz, Love Actually, Styx: Caught In The Act (shut it!), Duran Duran: Sing Blue Silver (oh, the memories!), and Transformers. This damn writers strike better end soon, or my DVD collection is never going to stop growing.

= I also couldn't wait and I downloaded the early screener of SG-1's straight to DVD movie, "Ark of Truth." I couldn't help myself. I MISSED DANIEL. I won't spoil anything, but it's always good to see SG-1 at work and saving the planet n stuff. But I can't wait for "Continuum," because.. Jack! Wheeee!

= Oh dear, I miss The Office like crazy. But this little "Happy Ending" songvid made me smile. And for my own records... this is one of the absolute best Jim/Pam songvids everrrr: Great American Love Story. DAYUM.

= I downloaded I Am Legend last week.. not too shabby! And hot damn, when did Will Smith get so buff? There's this one scene where Will's character, as the seemingly last man on the planet, is talking to a mannequin (the "hello" scene) and I started bawling. Right there, in the middle of a freakin' zombie movie! Sheesh! Will was amaaaazing in that scene, though. And I really wish the film had centered more on his character trying to adapt to being so alone. I loved that they had him keep things as normal as possible, going to the DVD store every day, picking out a movie, talking to "people" and keeping up conversation with Sam the dog as much as he could. But even that didn't stop him from going a little crazy, hm? There were some faws, but I loved that one scene, and the ending was good, too. Overall, it was scary and a bit funny, and I always love Will, so I enjoyed it.

= I sure hope JC's having fun and getting nicely sexed up sloshed for NYE! He still looks pretty damn good, all rumpled and hung over.

= Waste the day away: Best Wedding First Dance Ever, TV Land's Top 100 Greatest TV Quotes and Catchphrases, Greatest LJ Icon Everrrr, - best time waster in history, Hey There, Delilah (stalker version).. yeah, I know, but it never gets old for me

= The end of 2007 is a welcome sight. It's been a hell of a year, one that I *mostly* wish I could forget. I'm not one for resolutions, but what I will try for 2008 is to post more often, and also to just overall make the new year a shitload better than the last. With that, we also need to say goodbye to one of my domains, It's been a good little trooper for the last few years, but with me sharing much less media than before, it just isn't necessary. I do hope to strip down even more domains in 2008, but we'll see what I can and can't part with. lol

= With the holidays over, the icons go away, and ushers in a new default. It's one I've wanted to use for a while.. it's Pam walking over the hot coals at the end of last season (of The Office). In doing that, it made her realize that she was stronger than she initially thought, and that she could do anything she put her mind to. Which, in turn, gave her the strength to tell people (JIM!) how she truly felt. And with that, she actually attained happiness. Man oh man. I know it's TV and all, but, it can happen! I know it can! We all have hot coals to cross in our lives, most likely in the metaphorical sense, and I hope to do a bit of hot-footing of my own in the upcoming year.

= So this brings 2007 to a close. I truly hope that everyone has a wonderful evening tonight, no matter how you choose to spend it - out at a big party, at home with loved ones, or just alone because people are CRAZY this night every year. And may 2008 bring you everything that 2007 couldn't.

And its been a long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember all the times I tried to tell my myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass

life: kokela, online: fun links, life: as i know it, online: google, movies: misc, tv: the office, music: pearl jam, online: fandom, life: holidays, misc: quotes

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