Nominations and POV Update from BB...
Just a drive-by with info for anyone who is curious.
If you want to see Dani win HOH, you can see it here: This was the banner plane that flew over the endurance comp that everyone saw and set this week into motion:
After Dani won HOH, she and Dick figured out (thanks to the banner plane, too) who was behind sabotaging Nick -- Eric. Granted, it was a "group decision" (except for Dani) to put him up and vote him out, but when they sat and thought about all the rumors and speculation and accusations, they realized who was at the bottom of it all -- Eric.
Dani wants to backdoor him, she wants to avenge Nick's eviction. Y'all don't understand, she's absolutely sick over everything that happened to Nick. Literally, her stomach is in knots and she can't sleep, she feels so bad for not being able to save him, for not fighting harder, and for EVER listening to Eric and the others when they put doubts in her head about him.
As she told Dick: "Nick once told me that by the time he left the house, I'd trust him 100%. Even before he left, I trusted him 100%, but an hour after he left, everything fell into place."
As she told Zach: "I want you to know, though, because I know you were close to Nick. You know what sucks, honestly? They made me vote Nick out last week and I was the only person up here sticking up for him, the ONLY person. And it sucks. So, I get choked up, it sucks. I know that you were close to him and I want you to know that this week's for Nick, this week is for Nick. So.. same page. And it's gonna happen."
She's been wearing his bandana around her wrist since the HOH comp ended. She made a speech before they went into her HOH room Thursday night saying that she wanted to win it for Nick. She keeps talking about how excited she is about writing her HOH blog, to write "one big apology letter to Nick."
Here's a clip of Dani and Amber talking about missing Nick. Please keep in mind that Amber is a lying, backstabbing BITCH who doesn't deserve Nick's friendship in the first place. Don't believe a word she says about anything. But she does as Dani about Nick's speech on Thursday night, and her response is sweet:
Click to view
So here's what's going on. Her big plan is to backdoor Eric, so she nominated Kail and Jen last night. And if the POV is used, she'll put Eric up.
They need 4 votes to get Eric out. Dani and Dick both sat down with Jen and called a truce and found out a lot of information about Eric, she's vote #2. Dani talked to Zach and out of his loyalty to Nick, he'll do whatever Dani wants, he's vote #3. They trusted Jessica with this information and assumed she would be vote #4.
Unfortunately, Jessica went and told the rest of the group what was going on and Eric is scrambling behind D/D's back. He'd pulled Jessica back to his side with his nervous double-talk until she talked to Jen, who confirmed everything D/D told her. At that point, Jessica was solidly against Eric. UNTIL Eric got to her again and convinced her he was sincere. It's a complete back and forth right now and it's really frustrating.
Dustin/Amber/Jameka are pretty upset at D/D for trying to turn on Eric and want Daniele to put up Zach. Daniele doesn't want to put Eric up unless she's sure she has the 4 votes. So things are very tense as Dick wants to call Eric out in front of everyone and it just may happen sometime today.
The POV was played and Jen won it and will take herself down. Now they have to figure out if putting Eric up will get him out. They just need to convince, convince, convince Jameka or Jessica or even Amber that Eric is a little weasel. :D They just need one vote.
Either way, even if he doesn't go home, a lot of crap has been stirred up since Nick left and that can only be good. The targets on Dani and Dick's backs were huge before, and they're just getting bigger, so that's nothing new. And as hard as it is to see Dani so upset over Nick, it's also sweet to know that after all the drama they went through, the tiffs about trust and the miscommunication problems, she's finally realized that Nick NEVER lied to her in the house and she lost one of her best friends in LIFE, not just in the house alone.
So now we wait for Monday's POV ceremony, and then see what happens come Thursday. Knowing this house, anything can change on a dime and the votes will change a million times by then.
Various links:
Daniele & Jen talk strategy, spill secrets, and agree to vote out Eric: Dick and Jen call a truce. And hug! For myself as much as anyone.. here are all of Nick's exit interviews:
The Early Show
TV: Internet Interview: HouseCalls: Internet Talk Show
At this person's account, in 8 parts: ET Online - video interview Print EW: Game Over For Nick Reality Wanted Interview BuddyTV Interview with Nick Show's on in a couple hours! Gotta go do some stuff beforehand, hope you're all doing well! :D