= I'm typing with my newly grown (but beautifully teal and sparkly!) nails these days. It's hard to adjust to and I make far more typos than I'm used to. It's disturbing me more than I care to admit.
= I feel like two different people when I watch The Office these days. The objective person says this has been a great season so far and I love all the layers and character development for everyone! The Jam-tastic person says OMG THIS IS HORRIBLE JIM BELONGS WITH PAM OH GOD DON'T MAKE HIM LIKE THAT OTHER GIRL OMG. So on one hand, these three episodes have been soooo weird and hard without Jim in Scranton with everyone (heh, Pam), and it might be why *last* week's episode was the only one I felt really super comfy with, because Jim was with Dwight and Michael and that just felt right. Watching him play video games with these new people is awkward and off-putting. :( But on the other hand, I'm fully aware that this had to happen so they didn't get stuck and stale in how things were in season 2, a most wonderful season that couldn't be improved upon. Change is good, even if it's the hardest thing EVER to deal with.
That being said, the A story of Michael and Dwight was f'n GOLD. Steve Carell was just brilliantly subtle (give.that.man.an.emmy) and Rainn Wilson was creepy and hilarious. Too much Angela for my taste, but without any Jim and Pam, they have to fill that up with something, I suppose. But yes,
Dwight standing by his desk with his big "Liar" sign ala The Scarlet Letter was perfection.
So I need to re-watch last night's episode with some new thing in my brain telling me that they will make this all worthwhile and I will get my Jim and Pam moments in time. I must believe this, or else I will be sad. See, I've always tried not to "ship" in my prime time shows because that just leads to madness and sweaty palms. It's why I made sure not to get TOO involved in who was better for Buffy - Angel, Spike or Xander (love you Riley, but get ta steppin'). Because if I did that, I wouldn't be able to stay objective, and that was important for me. But Jim and Pam were too good to deny, and the SHOW made them what they are, so I BLAME THEM, not me. hah! In any case, I uploaded the episode, and you can find it on my
office download page. woot! Also, make sure to go to nbc.com's
Office website to see the deleted scenes from the ep. They made my heart hurt and burst with gleeful love at the same time.
I've given Pops my Office DVDs from seasons 1 & 2, and he's just.. not that into them. I can't figure it out! I don't have any idea why anyone wouldn't just love this show like I do. I'm super closed-minded about this, seriously. It's like Buffy or Sports Night. Why anyone wouldn't like them (nay, love them like mad!) is beyond me. BEYOND. But Pops doesn't like Michael at all, and doesn't think he's funny. How can he not? I mean. It's Michael Scott! The guy who can say this with a straight face!
"Business is like a jungle. And I am like a tiger. And Dwight is like a monkey, that stabs the tiger in the back with a stick. Does the tiger fire the monkey? Does the tiger transfer the monkey to another branch. (Smiles) Pun. There is no way of knowing what goes on inside the tiger’s head. We don’t have the technology."
I mean. !!! ahahaha!
In the meantime, did I ever mention that I got my Dwight bobblehead last week? It's by my desk at home and it's the best!
= Okay, so I'm about to book my hotel for the SG-1 convention next month and so I go to
the website and I see that Joe Flanigan isn't on the list anymore!?!? Whaa?? I may not be the biggest SGA fan, but I do enjoy the boy quite a bit. I mean, he's got cool hair and stuff. That's just not cool! Now, I freely admit that I'm just thankful it wasn't MichaelShanks who bailed, because if he had, I'd be quite the pissed off blonde right now. Sigh. Oh well, I guess they thought replacing Joe with Jason Momoa was acceptable.
= Eva, I miss you too and I love you and I hope you don't hate me for being such a slacker. :(
= I came to the sickening realization that I turn 34 in a few months. Like, I want to vomit over this.
= Downloaded the new Beck album this morning. It's super mellow and me likey, I've been listening to it since I got home. The last song is a little creepy and stuff, but I'll live. I shall put it in the other journal latah.
= Ever get a movie in the mail from Netflix that you don't remember ever putting on your queue? I got the most random documentary today that I can't fathom ever choosing myself. Strange. I mean, a motorcycle documentary? Me? Granted, Ewan McGregor is narrating, but I'm not so hung up on the dude that I'd rent THAT.
= I'm so glad it's Friday. My problem is that all I want to do is sleep all weekend and yet I have so much to do because.. well.. all I do is sleep on the weekends.
= Oh sweet, I was able to add YouTube to my Firefox search bar up thar.
Love it! I spend most of my free time there, so this will definitely enable me even more. Yip!
= Two of my favorite sites that just have the most random, fun, and informative posts:
lifehacker.com and
popgadget.net (both of which you can add to your FL). Without the former, I never would've read about
10 seeeeeeeeriously cool workplaces. I want. Lots.
= Aaaaagh, I found a way to have Keith Haring artwork all over my walls!
I'm so very excited! I don't need framed artwork, I just need wall decals! Ohhh, and they can make decals out of my favorite quote or poem
here. I think I'm in love.
= ETA: I've missed a ton of birthdays the last few weeks, and for that I apologize. My super duper bad. But today is
trickyjazzer's birthday and I wanted to wish her a happy one! I'll try and be better now, I promise!
= That's all I've got. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. :)