Nov 15, 2005 13:41
hello world,
these are my dying requests (because i feel like shit and think that whatever virus is infesting my throat, nose, and head should just be done with it already)
1. pizza for everyone
2. make it mandatorythat all colds, flus, and other such illnesses are granted the permission to attack someone by said person
3. i have no idea what else. maybe that peace thing. i just wanna sleep and skip italian and work so bad.........
4. ooh cable t.v. for everyone! cuz there are so many more channels to make you bored on cable, which is perfect for sickness
ej or rachel please tape gilmore tonight, and seal it in my coffin wiwth me when i depart. maybe hell has a vcr. but knowing hell, it probably only uses BETA.
the bastards.