Mar 10, 2005 05:08
hm. I got back from work a few minutes ago...i convinced everyone to leave 15 minutes early cause we were dead and useless. I have 2 redbulls, a rockstar, and multiple shots of espresso circulating in my body right now, so even though i am exhausted, I can barely keep my eyes closed long enough to blink. So I'll take this time to write some useless things.
I've come to the conclusion that I am happy. With just about everything. Even the things I dont want to deal with, or things I dont care for, they arent so bad. They make my day more interesting at least. Oh, and playing music is great. Music is great. Playing is great. Greatness is great. I could go for a boca burger right about now. Uuuuuummmm. I am so freakin tired, i think i'm going to tape my upper eyelids to my cheeks.
Amanda is the best thing that's happened to me in quite a long while. I'm glad I have somebody to just lounge around and be myself with. It's funny that the first time I saw her, I was quite drunk and had purple hair, half passing out on the lawn of a friends back yard whilst the friend's relatives roamed the premises, and amanda hopped up and down on a trampoline. So in conclusion to that, alcohol and purple get you girls.
Master Wok King of Prussia Mall King of Prussia, PA 03/09/2005 000001 #2359 6:23PM serv. 0010001 SM Lo Mein $2.74 SM Fried Rice $2.59 Snaple/Mistic $1.70 MDSE ST $7.03 TAX1 $0.42 ***total $7.45 Cash $10.00 Change $2.55
Working overnights sucks. Yes, yes it does. Why? Because it does.
I wonder if I started my own porn site, featuring myself, but modified all the pictures in photoshop to make give myself a vagina, if I could get people to give me the reasonable monthly subsciption fee of $29.95, or 6 months for $24.95, or 12 months for 19.95. Yeah, that'd be sweet. Who wants to do this with me, it can be a duet (nothing more than a quartet though, cause that's just weird). I think this could be the best idea i've ever had. And I am about 3 minutes away from doing it. hell yeah!
Amanda made my bed for me, how sweet is that. I cant wait till this caffeine and whatnot wears off so that I can sleep till this afternoon.
My awesome evil leather chair has a big tear in it because my fat ass wore it out, so I covered it in packing tape that says something like "if this seal has been broken, check contents before accepting package." It's so ghetto i love it. And it has a slight crinkle every time I sit on it. Fucking ikea.
At my 2am lunch/dinner/whatever break I took one of my co-workers to wawa. I was waiting to turn left onto south gulf from 202, just waiting there for a good 2 minutes, when all of the sudden some shithead rear-ends me. There was no damage, but what the fuck? He didnt even care, cause he had a piece of shit yeah, wherever you are, sir...thumbs up to you.
I am so clueless as to the day. I am so mentally lost in terms of time. I'm staring at the clock and calendar on my computer but it's just not registering.
Ok, this has gone on long enough, time to go bang my head against my brightly colored walls.