Life goes on...

Apr 21, 2007 12:31

I was originally going to make the title "Life rolls on", but I was instantly hit with a mental image of the Beatles song, and so I changed it. Either way you look at it, the message is the same one.

I'm still working for Royal Coach, which makes me both sad and happy. Happy because I'm holding a steady job that pays ok, and the crap associated with it isn't outrageous 99% of the time (Which is better than pretty much any other job I've had). I'm sad because I've not had the motivation to go out and get my certs, and move on to a better paying job, with less grunt work involved.

Speaking of grunt work, I (with considerable help from cynmoon and her brother) finally finished the gardening in my backyard, installed drip line, and everything looks beautiful (Yes, even the rose bush that was mutilated). It definitely gives me a feeling of accomplishment, right along side a feeling of back pain.

Life does seem to be rolling right along. Once again, I get a split feeling about it: It's good that things are moving, but I don't seem to have any control over how it moves sometimes. I keep looking back and reminiscing about times past, both bad and good. It's funny, that. I went to dinner last week with some friends, and we were talking about all the people who never really partied in high school and college, and how they end up being the ones who normally go overboard later in life with parties. The same is true in reverse: Those who were jocks and partiers seem to want to find the "geek" lifestyle.

I suppose that was true for me for a while, but I found out the hard way that the grass is always greener on the other side. In my struggle to find myself as a social extrovert, I seem to have lost everything that made me happy with my days past as an introverted geek. You can't have both sides of the coin.
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