Missing Checks from Your Checkbook, You Know Who Did It... I Need Drugs.

Apr 16, 2011 09:13

Attack of the Killer Migraine happened last night mid-lesson. It's one of the worst things about not having normal allergies. Usually, when the humidity spikes before it's going to rain, my head starts imploding and all of my senses start raving... It wasn't pretty last night, and I wasn't too happy about having to go out of my way to find a place that's open after 10PM just to find some pills. In America, I could go to the 24/7 supermarket or the 24/7 Pharmacy place and find just the thing to cure what ails me... Or, I could have Aimee drive me to the ER and get some Vicodin. >.>' XD

Things are going relatively well, I suppose. I built my loft bed. It's shaky goodness will prevent any lurve making from happen, but that's okay because I don't get any anyway. o3o And I'm still working my ass off to get monies...

I have to study this weekend for a test on Monday, practice for my Korean Oral on Tuesday, and then write 800 more characters for my thing on Wednesday. Then I need to complete my take home exam for my race course by Next Friday, and then I have a 5 page written paper due. Shit's coming to a close and I need... more time? T.T

migraine, drugs, busy, lurve

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