Alcohol, and why I'm slowly losing interest.

Apr 11, 2011 00:41

Here's the back story:

We had a 花見 (Cherry Blossom Viewing) party in Yoyogi park today, with a bunch of people from our school, and as part of the culture of the event, we... indulged in alcohol. Albeit a bit much, some of us justified the event with a bottle of Miyagi's 日本酒 (Sake). There were many other varieties of alcohol, including: Whiskey, Brandy, Scotch, Kahlua, Vodka, etc... ; and for the most part, Dan decided it was a good idea to test his limits.

Apparently, he hadn't been drunk before and had quite the range of alcomohols in his system before, so none of us thunk the wiser, and we continued to have a good time.

Well, Dan continued on his alcomohol spree and managed to spew all over himself, the mat beneath him, and in the majority of all of our trash bags.

Me, being the weirdo I am, sobered up and started trying to get him to drink water and to get him to lie on his left side (as shown above). Other people separated themselves from the situation, almost entirely, until I made it a point that he would be subject to pneumonia, should we not be proactive and get his ass somewhere not outside. People continued to dilly-dally about for about two hours, while I went from person to person asking for cell phones with signal to get an ambulance (in vain), or trying to see if anyone was going in the same direction as where he lives to take him home (no one did)...

I, myself, had a shit ton of things to worry about back at home and wasn't in much of a position to postpone said things, which put Mr. Danny Boy in a predicament that might've actually cost him his life...

Well, thinking about all of this, I was just about to sacrifice everything I had planned (which is what I usually do in these situations, but for some reason couldn't bring myself to do right away today) when Dan started 'coming to', ie, being responsive and slowly moving from his puke stained spot in the dirt to the train station.

The way the story ends is that Dan went home, covered in puke and smelling like stomach acid, to sleep off whatever else was in his system. Some of the other people went to Shibuya for Karaoke, and I came home and jabberjaw'd with one of the other people for an hour or so.

The moral of the story is that Alcohol, taken in moderation, is a wonderous fairy drug that makes the language flow easier and... everything else too, BUT if taken out of hand, will... kill you. =/

And such is why I've only been a social drinker and only to an extent have I indulged.

derp, evil, dan, alcohol

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