Looking for ED pics

Sep 17, 2009 17:55

Specifically, I'm looking for pics from the 2nd version of the ED "Tokimeki no Doukasen". The first one is the fourth pic used, and it comes right after a shot of the Suzaku Seven in black and red outfits (and a closeup of Tamahome in that pic). It is a pic showing only Tamahome's eyes, and I've never been able to tell which pic it is. I don't even know if the original is only a shot of his eyes, or if that's just a closeup. His hair looks black in this pic, and his eyes golden, and he seems to have a serious expression (as far as I can tell). The other pic I'm looking for comes after a closeup shot of Tamahome in a blue outfit, from a pic used earlier on in the ED (the 2nd one of the ED that has all of the Suzaku Seven, and in which Chichiri is upside down in the upper left corner). So the shot after that is of Tamahome and Miaka embracing (apparently naked), and that's the other one I'm looking for. If you have a scan of either of these pics in good quality (doesn't have to be large, but I'd prefer it if it were), please let me know.
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