We are acrobats of God

Jan 30, 2006 00:00

*disclaimer* I know that I wrote this early, but I was watching Grays Anatomy last night, and I just got inspired to write it now. Mr Wilkins died on January 31st 2003. amazing man.

Three years ago, the most amazing man passed away and left an imprint on our hearts forever. Mr Wilkins was my ballet teacher at Olympic Ballet Theater since i was in 2nd grade until my sophomore year, and he was a big part of my life. He was not only my teacher, but he was also my friend, guide, role model and inspiration, and even though he is gone, a part of him lives inside me.

On my desk I still have his note that he gave me the last year he was alive for nutcracker, and everyday it reminds me of what a great man he was. "To Shayleen, You have all the cunning and beauty of a magnifcent and dangerous performer. You approach the role of spanish in a way that inspired me as a choreographer."

Even though he was not in any way related to me, I loved this man like a father/uncle/grandfather and it breaks my heart to think of him as actually being gone. He will never be completely gone though. His words, actions, and memories will live with me forever.

Who could ever forget the stage classes when he would sing "you're a grand old flag", "rouhdolf the red nosed reinder", and "Edelweiss", or him yelling at us snowflakes back stage because we were throwing TONS of snow and giggling on stage so loudly that the audience could hear it? And who could ever forget the endless opening and finale rehersals with the MICROPHONE and him yelling at the russians to shut up. He always felt the need to teach us how to spell during classes. Sadly, he would usually spell it wrong...He would have endless screaming matches at rosemary because he enjoyed pissing her off.

Here's some quotes that will be remembered forever...
"Shayleen, please TRY to be seductive"
"We are acrobats of God"
"You need to have energy! E-N-E...ah.... um... ENERGY!"
"Rosemary, show me an attitude"
Rose "What kind?"
"Do you know what a tondu is?"

Whenever I think back on this man, I always have a smile on my face. Sure, we would get frustrated with him, but that was what made him special. We were able to get mad at him and still care about him. I will always treasure my memories of him and remeber his spirit.

Rest in Peace Mr Wilkins. And always know that you are remembered and loved forever.

these next pictures are from Mrs Wilkins requim that she choreographed for mr wilkins.

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