Pets are NOT people. >.o

May 22, 2012 14:07

~.: I can't say anything more about this on Facebook, which is where this originated. Essentially, a friend posted that it made her very sad when people gave their animals to shelters when they moved, rather than coming up with another solution. I commented that sometimes there is no choice, and then several others commented something along the lines of "PETS ARE FOR LIFE! PETS ARE LIKE BABIES! IF YOU HAVE TO MOVE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER YOUR PETS!" And it irritates me to no end because I feel like these people are too privileged to see the other side of it. They've never been in a situation where they had to move and couldn't take their pet with them. They've never been in a situation where they could no longer afford their pet. And yet they feel the need to judge others who are trying to make a decision for their own wellbeing. I'm sorry, I loved my pets as much as anyone and I would have gone into a burning building for any of them, but when you literally have to decide "do I move here so I can have a job to support myself or do I live somewhere else and keep looking for a job just so my cat can stay with me" ... I can't feel sorry for your continued financial struggles.

~.: Now, I'm not saying that anyone is literally in this position right now, but that's basically what it comes down to. Yes, some people are asses and give their pets away because they've stopped being fun, or because they aren't cute anymore, and those are horrible people. But I want to have more faith in people and assume that's not usually the case, that most people who bring their animals to a shelter do so because there is no better choice.

~.: What I would really like to say on the discussion thread is that, unless you plan to give all your money to a no-kill shelter and/or adopt all the animals people would otherwise be leaving behind, you should get off your soapbox and stop acting like you're better than everyone else. It's just like the abortion debate: unless you're willing to personally do anything to help that person, and unless you actually know what it's like to be in that position, you have no right to criticize others for their decisions.

rant, random, whatever

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