Why is it that opportunities always present themselves in ways other than what you want them to?

Dec 27, 2010 09:02

~.: So during my visit with my mom this Christmas, she and I got to talking about work and my job search, and how there are absolutely no opportunities in my area that I actually qualify for without my Master's degree. I started then to whine about how easy it would be for me to get a job in New York, especially considering I already have connections to at least one agency, including my mom. And then I continued on whining about how cheap the cost of living was in New York and how awful it was that Virginia housing was so much more expensive than in New York. And then I had an epiphany and began to wonder why I was whining about great job opportunities that I would likely get that were staring me straight in the face, along with affordable housing that wouldn't drain my bank account on a monthly basis.

~.: I did some looking on Craigslist for jobs in Rochester, and it baffles me that the positions being advertised only require, at most, an Associate's degree. Comparable positions here require at least a Bachelor's, plus some years of experience. I don't get why there's a discrepancy, but I'm just like "holy crap -- why am I wasting my time in a place where the competition is against me?" So I've been thinking about moving, to be perfectly honest. I've been putting serious thought into the pros and cons of picking up and moving back to New York, at least temporarily. They are as follows:

A job that I can get, that will probably pay me what I'm asking for, and then some.
The possible opportunity for a tuition reimbursement program that will allow me to go to grad school.
Mom will pay the $400 it would cost to break my lease, and let me stay with her until I found my own place, either for free, or very cheap.
The opportunity to really live on my own, since rent in New York is generally less for a whole apartment/house than what I'm paying for my room right now.
I'd get to reconnect with some old friends, namely my friend Hillary. :D
Getting to see my mom, brothers, sister, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousins, and gram on a regular basis.

Temporarily living with my mom (she's too Type A for my tastes, and being with her for more than a week tends to just stress me out).
Being away from all of my best and closest friends that I've made over the past ten years.
Being away from Guille (though the distance might do me some good in terms of being able to evaluate things objectively, and not allowing myself to get sucked into "Guille is the only person in my world and I have no other friends").
I hate New York state, outside of Manhattan. Everything in New York to me feels old, narrow, dirty, and uneducated. If I'm to live there, I'm too spoiled to not want to find a place that looks like Virginia, which I think I will be hard-pressed to find. :x

~.: So that's where I'm at right now. If I were to go this route, my general plan would be to work somewhere long enough to complete a graduate program and return to Virginia with my Master's, and hopefully, by that time, my new degree, combined with a (hopefully) changed economic climate, will allow me to find the job I really want.

~.: Perhaps this is something to consider for the upcoming year. :/

~.: In other news, I've learned the hard way that drinking when you already have a headache doesn't tend to make that headache go away, and when you go to bed drunk, with that same headache, it tends to be much worse in the morning. >.o

moving, maybe, dnw, job hunt, thoughtful, school, ouch, headache, work, mom, what to do

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