Feb 15, 2010 14:52
~.: This weekend was exceedingly amazing. Katsu was the first con I've been to in about six years. The last one I went to was Otakon a while back. It originally started as just wanting to hang out with good company and lawl at the srsbsns cosplayers and otaku, but it ended up being one of the best weekends of my life. Good company, good times, and excellent food -- I really could not have asked for a better weekend.
~.: We went up on Friday night, and though my VZ Navigator was determined to keep us in Virginia, we managed to drive a complete circle on the beltway and get to the National Harbor. We stayed at the Gaylord, which was where the convention was being held, and are room was on the top floor. We had an indoor freakin' balcony heck yes. The view was really cool. :) We wandered the con for a bit and then went to Stevhe's bar for excellently priced alcohol. I met and insulted a Mexican. On accident. Oops. :x After a bit of drinking at Public House (across from which apparently Se7en was hanging out?? IDEK), I ran back to the hotel alone to catch up with Scott and Niki's friend Preston because I wanted to go to the rave. So I dragged them down there and danced with glowsticks for the first time. It was basically pretty awesome. I kept throwing my glowsticks by accidents. ^^; One leaked all over my hand, which was cool until I touched my chapped lips with my glowstick fluid covered hand. It burned.
~.: After dancing, Preston and I went back up to the room (Scott had preceded us) to hang out with everyone. I managed to work magic on two bags of chips and open them with my butt (I fell on them :x again, oops), and we nommed and hung out and laughed and generally enjoyed each other's company. We passed out at like, six or something ridiculous like that.
~.: The next morning, everyone woke up to SHNUGGLES~~~~ and that kind of became the thing for the weekend. 8D We had a delicious breakfast down in the atrium before hitting the dealers' room and taking pictures of Sailor Scouts, Storm Troopers, and LADY FREAKIN' GAGA YES. Also the Doctor, wut? But yeah, it was pretty awesome. I ended up buying more non-anime stuff than I would have expected, including a Doctor Who shirt, but I did get a cute hat with kitty ears on it.
~.: After wandering the con for a while, and standing in line for a lolita fashion show, we went to Grace's, right around the corner from the hotel, which has the most amazing food I have ever eaten in my whole life ever in the history of stuff and the universe. Go there. Do it. Do it now. It's a little on the pricey side but it is so worth it. They have the best chocolate cake you will ever eat. And also the best vegetable rolls. And the best food, in general.
~.: After that, we went back to the hotel to rest up before the Saturday night rave, but Layne and I never ended up going because we passed out and were just too tired to get up and go dancing. It's alright though, we had lots of energy the next day, when we had breakfast in the hotel, which, for me, comprised scrambled eggs, toast, a cinnamon roll, mahi mahi, caramelized onion risotto, and fresh squeezed orange juice from an actual orange. Yes. That awesome. I was so full afterwards. Once breakfast was over, we hit the dealers' room a last time to catch the last-day deals, and headed home.
~.: And then once we were home, the weekend continued to be awesome. Layne and I met up with Aileen for dinner and a movie. Valentine's Day was excellent. Hilarious and just all around awesome. Go and see it. And this morning I got to go to the gym with Aileen. :) Yay, morning gym buddy! :D Tomorrow will be yoga. I am so excited about that.
~.: And I'm realizing that the rest of my year is jam packed with alot of stuff. The Lion King in New York City, Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, David coming to visit, Cherry Blossom Festival, and Otakon. And I'm sure the list will continue to grow to accommodate apartment hunting and moving. -sigh- We shall see.
~.: And so, for Otakon, Layne, Aileen, and I are cosplaying the Doctor's companions, and I will also be cosplaying Momo from Peach Girl and Sailor Iron Mouse from Sailor Stars. Be jealous.
valentines day,
do want,
delicious food,
fun weekend