Weird mood is strange (8D)

Dec 28, 2009 00:17

~.: I feel stupidly inspired and motivated today. I cleaned my room. Bagged up a bunch of clothes for Goodwill, have two bags of books for McKay's. My room looks good. Less cluttered. Not full of crap I don't want or need (well, sort of). Makes me excited for the upcoming year, which is going to be mine and Layne's year, because it's the year of the Tiger. So. I am looking forward to all manner of really good things.

~.: And on that note, a very rash, and very good idea hit me (again, because I thought about it before, but right at this very moment, tonight, it was better than before). I transferred $700 out of my savings, which would apply to whatever new place Layne and I ended up in, to my checking, put $300 back on my credit card, and as soon as the transfer clears, I'll be paying it towards my credit card as well. Which will leave me with about $200 left until I have a balance of $0. Which will be less than a third of my next paycheck (and which I may be able to apply this coming week). In short, I'll have my credit card entirely paid off either before or shortly after the New Year. How's that for some serious starting with a clean slate? I'm telling you, I have visions of only good things happening in 2010.

~.: That said, I think it's time for a retrospective meme:

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009 (not including memes, of course). Post the first line/sentence of it in your journal, and that's your "Year in Review".

... or paragraphs. whatever makes the most sense.

January | 2009
~.: Happy New Year, everyone! :D

~.: So, one of my resolutions is to read 50 books in a year. Some of them I've read before, but it was so long ago that I hardly remember them and they don't count, or are part of a series that I want to finish reading but wouldn't understand without re-reading the first books. So, here's what I got so far:

February | 2009
~.: So, this weekend has been extremely busy, and I am beat and ready for a day where I can actually sleep in.

March | 2009
~.: First day working at Victoria's Secret. It was mostly paperwork and training, but I already really like it. I'm excited. Can't wait to actually do stuff.

April | 2009
~.: Half Blood Prince is coming out two days earlier, on the 15 instead of the 17. Yay, great, woo. For everyone else. I really wanted to go to the midnight showing, and I was totally going to be able to when they were releasing it on Friday. But nooooo someone thought it would be a great idea to make every Harry Potter fan except for me happy by pushing the date up. Now I can't go to the midnight release, I've never gone to the midnight release of anything (besides a book, which took me three days to get through), and I can't take that night off from work because I'll be taking two nights off from work the week beforehand for KingsFest. I'm so pissed off about this now. Pretty much every single one of my friends is going to the midnight release. Except me. Who will be sitting at a desk doing billing audits and bed checks. Yay for me my life is so awesome.

May | 2009
~.: Oak trees need to stop with the pr0n already.

June | 2009
~.: Had the longest weekend of my life, and I have the bruises to prove it. It was a blessing to get back to work. Things feel normal again.

July | 2009
~.: So it's definitely nice having the night off from work and being able to get up on a Friday morning and being able to actually enjoy the day. There are a few little chores I'm wanting to get done, and so far my laundry's started, I left a message for mom, and I'm on the phone with the eye doctor. I'll probably clean up what pieces of garbage are mine that are lying around Layne's room here and maybe strip her bed and wash the sheets (since I'm pretty sure three people besides Layne and including myself have slept in this bed in the past month), and take out the garbage, and somewhere in between all those things, I'll finish watching Sailor Moon and read. :) It's gonna be a good weekend.

August | 2009
Apparently my boss not only sucks at delegating tasks, but also at knowing when her staff qualify for benefits and paid time off.

September | 2009

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~.: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do your for your country." Sorry, that's a bunch of BS. I'm more than will to support my president, but I will not serve him. He works for me. My tax dollars go to his paycheck. I will do more than my share for my country- the government is another matter entirely. This was a good video, except for the political, brainwashing, propaganda crap they threw in there.

October | 2009
~.: I just typed up a new entry. LJ ate it. Just like it ate all the changes I made to the stupid new layout I settled for in place of a cool one that doesn't exist. FML.

November | 2009
~.: So I'm working on my novel for NaNoWriMo and I keep getting suckerpunched by the thought provokingness of one of the parts. ^^; Not in a "WOW THAT WAS REALLY AWESOME" sort of way -- more in a "this is stupidly disturbing" way. :x I'm trying to force myself past it though. ^^;

December | 2009
~.: A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to see Family Force 5 play the 9:30 CLUB, and afterwards got to meet them, get hugs, pictures, and autographs, and I was struck by how, well, normal they are. I'm baffled by the worship that stars get just because everyone knows their name. Really, it's just like high school -- a popularity contest. But they're regular people, with regular lives. So their jobs happen to have more publicity than others. So everyone knows their names (or stage names). They still have families, wants, needs ... sickness.

meme, motivated, money, yay, credit card, books, random, w00t, cleaning, new year's

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