Relevant sermon is relevant

Nov 22, 2009 02:40

~.: I kicked butt at NaNo today. I didn't quite reach my 20 thousand word goal, but I got really close. I could still reach it if I kept writing, especially considering the part I'm at now, but I really need to get to bed, because, weirdly enough, my novel is inspiring me to go to church, so I'm thinking I will be getting up at ten (or 9:30, depending) to go and do that. :)


"This week we're continuing on our theme about wandering. Where did we leave off last?” Pastor Carson stood behind the podium with a few sheets of notes and a Bible before him, and the white screens behind him flashed to an image of sand dunes, and a person, standing small and potentially lost, amongst the golden white terrain. “I believe that last week, we left off with Israel feeling a lot like... this image here behind me.” He pointed to the screen as he spoke, to draw attention to the visual aid. “We mentioned Cain, and his wandering, and we talked about Noah, who didn't so much as wander as drift. Well, today we're gonna talk about Israel - the entire nation of Israel - who, after being freed from slavery under the Egyptian king, was brought out into the desert. The desert. Now, if you're like them, you're probably wondering what God had in mind when He led them out into the middle of nowhere, to a land with little resources, and very difficult living conditions. What was He thinking? Why would He do that? Whatever happened to that Promised Land? These are the things the Hebrews - the Israelites - were asking themselves as well. And this feeling, this sentiment of why, is a very common one, especially when God appears to fall short of our... expectations, right?”

~.: Yeah, I did end there for the night, and I can't wait to continue on with it tomorrow. It's my favorite part from writing today because of how relevant it is to the rest of the story, and my main character's life throughout the course of the story. So, I'm really excited about this, because I totally chose this on a whim and decided I'd be creative and see how I could make it work and make it applicable. Turns out that it was more applicable than I had expected. But yeah. Bedtime now. :D

win, word count, yay, accomplished, church, nanowrimo, excited, awesome

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