Jun 15, 2009 03:01
~.: This past week has really gotten me motivated and positively anxious regarding my independence. Last week, upon finding a Craigslist ad for the most adorable, perfect house, I decided that I don't actually need a car, not if I'm going to be moving closer to/into DC (public transportation, ftw), and that my savings would be better applied towards mine and Layne's own place. Compared to what she's saved, I have pennies, but $450 (which will likely be more, because I'm done paying bills and I've splurged a little on myself as well, and want to split the rest between my savings and my credit card) is not bad. At the very least, I'll have a down payment and/or the first month's rent handy for when we finally do this. Our goal is September at the latest. Yes, it keeps getting changed, but circumstances keep changing. Once Layne gets a new job, Operation Freedom (c wut i did thar?) will officially be in its beginning stages. So, in order to prepare myself, I'm switching my email alerts on Monster and Careerbuilder to include DC in the search criteria. So far, on Careerbuilder alone, I've found three jobs that I am totally qualified for, thanks to the job I have now. I feel optimistic and hopeful that in three months, I will be able to leave Brandon House, with a nice thank you letter and some fond memories, and move on to bigger and better things (hopefully a larger salary and benefits). Unlike Layne, who really needs a job ASAP because they were lame and cut back her hours, I think I can take it slowly, and wait until we have an apartment secured and are moving in to look for a new job. If it takes me a month or two or three to get a new one, that's okay- I won't feel like I'm leaving here so soon then. If it doesn't, great.
~.: I'm feeling good about this. Excited. I think the snow is clearing from the tracks of my Tokyo-bound train. :)
operation freedom,