The phone book might be the scariest book I've ever read

Jan 28, 2009 22:16

~.: So Dad suggested I pull out the phonebook and just start calling/emailing/visiting websites of people and hope one of them has a job opening. This has actually worked, somewhat. After looking at the counseling services page and finding that none of it looked promising, I flipped to the beginning of the phonebook, under A ... Ab ... Abortion Alternatives (first listing in the phonebook). Through a little game of follow that link, I found a site for an emergency/pregnancy crisis center. I applied for a position as a director's assistant, which basically requires skills in bookkeeping and such. Totally think I could do it, and I would feel really good about working in that environment. Helping women who feel they have nowhere else to turn to. The center also provides non-judgmental post-abortive counseling for both men and women, which I thought was cool.

~.: The scary part of the phonebook is the page next to the Abortion Alternatives listings, the page with all the Abortion listings. One place offers termination even up to 24 weeks. That's six months. That's when the fetus (baby) looks like this. Yes, there are women who really do have no other choice- they will die, they are emotionally or mentally disturbed because of rape or other psychological issues, whatever. Those women are making a very sad and very hard choice. Those are the women who would rather do anything but have an abortion. But the women who want to play without consequences ... I don't understand how they could destroy something that looks so closely human, whether they believe it's human or not. I just can't make myself understand this. And I've tried. :/

~.: David made a very good point the other night on voicechat: he's not pro-life, because that implies that every single woman who ever gets pregnant ever should keep her baby and should not have the choice to abort open to her, which is wrong, even by God's standards, but he's not pro-choice in the sense that he feels women should be allowed to have abortions because they're too stupid to keep their legs shut (this isn't all women, or even all women who get abortions, just a very small handful of women). He likes to call it pro-responsibility. I like this term. I think I'm pro-responsibility too.

~.: Anyway, I need some prayer, guys. This would be a cool job to have, but everyone that I feel I would absolutely love to have, the ones I'm totally qualified for, I haven't gotten called for yet. I really, really, really want this one. I know I said that about another job, but that was a cool one too. -nodnod- I also need something that's going to pay me enough to afford a car. :/ Which I also need stat.

abortion, scary, job hunt, thoughtful, opinion

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