They should all be the same D:

Sep 30, 2008 14:26

~.: So I just took my first test for History and Systems and I'm pretty sure I failed it. Never mind the fact that my idea of studying for it was to wait until 11:00 last night to skim over my notes for three minutes, and then do the same as I'm sitting in class waiting for him to pass out the tests. I think even if I had studied for it I still would have done poorly. History and Systems of Psychology is basically a history class, except everything has to do with the founders of psychology and its various schools, etc. etc. There were at least 50 different people we had to know about for this test, and each of them did something different. Most of it was matching, but Dr. Kibler picks the most obscure facts about these people to put on the test.

~.: So, needless to say, if I get higher than a D on the test, I will be shocked and amazed and may even throw a party for myself. It looks like I need to actually set aside time to study for real when it comes to this class's tests. As in making notecards and studying them throughout the course of the chapters before the test. Which isn't fair, because I think if one professor is going to have one class that requires that much studying, they all should. Because through all my years of school, I've never had to study that much.

~.: I got to go home over the weekend to see my new baby brother, who is quite possibly the world's cutest baby. He was a little jaundiced for his first few days of life (which apparently is not all that unusual for newborns), so he was wrapped in UV lights and bundled up in his blankets- he looked like an adorable little glow worm. ^-^ Pictures are coming, I promise, as soon as Dad sends them to me (Layne still has my camera D:) Also, pictures from Awakening Fest will hopefully be coming no later than this upcoming weekend.

~.: But anyway, because Kristie was still recovering from the C-section, and Ben subsequently became dehydrated and lost a pound, they didn't get to go home until yesterday. He's apparently the perfect baby because he doesn't really fuss (he squeaks- it's basically the cutest noise I've ever heard 8D). I really wish that I could go home every weekend to see him, but as it is, I'll have to wait until Fall Break before I go home again (and perhaps plans should be made for people to come visit so they can see Ben :D or something ^^;).

~.: Today is Apple Eve, and for most girls on campus, that means obnoxious drunkenness, which I wish I could have some small part in. But I still have my observation tomorrow morning at 9:00, so sadly, I will remain mostly sober. :x I'm looking forward to Apple Day tomorrow though, especially hanging out at the Improv booth. It's basically my favorite club (the only one I'm a member of, actually ^^;) and I will be sad to leave it in December.

~.: -sigh- Well, time to wrap up this entry- gotta go back to work in a few minutes. :/

ben, apple eve, test, not fair, school, guh, fail, whining

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