Because I have to give my two-cents

May 01, 2008 01:23

Yes, feti are people, and they have the right to life, but, "having a right to life does not guarantee having either the right to be given the use of or the right to be allowed continued use of another person's body--even if one needs it for life itself," because if we are going to grant an organism that is hardly capable of comprehension and response the title of Human, then it is safe to say that permission must be given in order for the host's body to be used.

~.: The post I got this from didn't allow me to comment there, so I'm doing it here, just because I feel compelled to offer my opinions on the matter. Actually, one opinion. Probably a pretty scathing opinion. Don't flame me, please.

"...then it is safe to say that permission must be given in order for the host's body to be used."

~.: My opinion rests on the grounds that if a woman wants to be responsible for what happens to her body, then she needs to actually be responsible. She gives up her rights to grant permission as soon as she makes pregnancy possible. Don't want a baby? Don't make one. Now, that's completely excluding the women who will likely die if she doesn't have an abortion and the women who were raped. Women who might be killed by their baby probably did want to have one; women who were raped had no say in the matter. I have no sympathy for women who rather kill a baby than keep their legs shut. I don't care how good the sex is. You want responsibility? Then be responsible. There are definitely much better methods of birth control that don't involve the ending of anyone's life.

~.: And fetuses are definitely capable of response- that's why they have to be anesthetized before they are removed. That's why they can consciously and voluntarily suck their thumbs, play with their toes, and hold onto their umbilical cords.

abortion, opinion

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