An update on the weekend

Oct 29, 2007 18:36

~.: So according to LJ it has been 3 days since my last post (and why is this sounding like the start of a confession? XD). So here we go- an update.

~.: Friday I hung out after class with Pamela and watched some Dane Cook in the exchange center while waiting for it to be much later so we could all meet up with people in Shijo for drinks. Later in the afternoon while waiting for it to be much later, Pam and I went to go meet Etsuko and check out the Flamenco club (which I had no interest in; I was just following Pam). I got a little bored about three quarters through and pulled out Twilight to start reading. Etsuko asked me about the book and I told her what it was about and that it was really good and then mentioned that I was kinda sad that I was almost done and wouldn't be able to buy the next one until I went back home, since it's hard to find bookstores that sell foreign books, especially ones that are like Twilight. At this point, she told me I could check with the campus bookstore and see if they could order it for me. So we walked down together and asked them and they're looking into it; tomorrow we should know if they can get it for me. I'll be so happy if they can cuz I've got about four chapters left.

~.: So after Pam finished with Flamenco club we got on the train for Shijo and met up with Bri, Aileen, and Sabrina there. We walked for about ten minutes, wandering around for a good bar (Shijo is full of them) and finally found this little hole in the wall place that sold really cheap and really good drinks. It was entirely empty except for me, Sabrina, Bri, Aileen, and Pam, and later, Etsuko. I ordered a Scorpion cuz I'd never had one before and it was so strong! But it was good. And we played Never Have I Ever. I love that game and all the crazy cool things you learn about people while playing.

~.: Anyways, Pam and I couldn't stay for long so we headed back at about ten. I guess it was just as well because we had a field trip the next day. We headed into somewhere near Kyoto (it may have actually been Kyoto) to paint on fans (we'll be getting them back this week sometime, and pictures of our finished paintings are up on Facebook) and then visit a temple. Pictures of that are also on Facebook.

~.: And then yesterday. Oh yesterday. I got up at 4:45 in the morning to head to a yuuenchi with my host family and one of their daughter's friends (whose Japanese I loved because she spoke slow enough for me to understand and used easy words, and didn't act like I was retarded just because I couldn't understand fast Japanese). And I didn't realize we were going to this particular theme park because of a concert event. It was kinda like King's Fest only with JPop and alot smaller. Which reminds me, I need to look up some music by May J (she's friggin' awesome XD). I got to see her, HalCali, and AAA. AAA was so pretty. XDDD Yay for pretty boys in suits singing and dancing. HalCali was so friggin' bubbly and .... I don't know what. I may have to get a song or two by them, just because they have such bouncy beats. They remind me of a video game.

~.: So yeah, I went to bed way early once we got home last night just because I was so exhausted and I'm still tired. I came home right after class today with the intention of taking a nap but it's taken me so long to get all my pictures off my camera and renamed and now I'm off to upload them. And Yuuki and Richard angst is the best. 8D

japan, drinks, fun weekend, field trip, host family, shijo, concert

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