What a week

Aug 10, 2007 11:57

~.: I think I'm pretty much ready to come home, and at the same time I'm kinda not. It's been a long, crazy week. I've loved being able to visit with my mom and brothers and sister, but everyone here is just so different from me. My mom's got a really, really short temper and that mixed with my brother's inability to take another's point of view has made for an interesting time (and I don't mean interesting in a necessarily good way). I thought Billy had been getting better, and in some ways he has been, but he's also gotten alot worse. He may not be doing drugs anymore, but he definitely hasn't stopped associating himself with people who do. My mom's neighbor was growing pot, and my brother discovered the plant, likely stole it (he says he didn't, but I don't think anyone believes him), and probably sold it. Yes, my mom's neighbor was wrong for growing it, but Billy was wrong for stealing it. Not only that, but in the course of the week, I've seen my mom nearly have a breakdown because my brother is so mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive toward her. He'll cuss her out, screaming, calling her every name in the book, then turn around and expect her to drive an hour out of her way to take him to work. Or when we went to Kingdom Bound, which Billy knew about all week, he suddenly through a fit because he couldn't go. He stood out in the middle of the street, screaming, yelling, and then punched her car window (thankfully, it didn't break), and then called Mom back after we'd finally left and threatened her, saying things like "and wouldn't you like to know where your husband is right now." It isn't right, and as much as I love him because he's my brother, I don't like him at all. Something needs to be done- he needs to be kicked out so he can live his life exactly how he wants without anyone else getting in his way. -sigh-

~.: Anyway, on a much brighter note, Kingdom Bound was friggin' amazing. I got to finally see Skillet like I've wanted to for the past six years. The way the stage was set up there were no chairs. You got there when you got there and where you stood was your place, so we had a pretty decent view, except that all the tall people somehow ended up in front of me. -pout- The speaker guy had to come up on stage about three or four times to tell everyone to move back because we were crushing the people in front and crushing the security officers. And he also had to make an announcement that if we had a metal frying pan we needed to relinquish it immediately, because no one wanted people getting hurt with them like last year. And that he didn't want to see any moshing, body surfing, or sitting on shoulders. Skillet's fans are so hardcore. ^-^ We only stayed for three songs. I really wanted to stay for the whole thing but Mom was really not into Skillet (the crazed, screaming, jumping fans and the crazy loud screamy music just wasn't her thing) and we also wanted to watch the Newsboys, which were on another stage on the complete other side of the park. So we made it in time for Newsboys and I felt like I was back at King's Fest, just farther away. They did all the same songs and tricks and told all the same jokes. It made me giggle, actually. 8D But Mom loved it. Overall, we had a really great time. Pictures are up on my Facebook, so go look. :3

~.: And yesterday, Andrea got her first tattoo. :D Pictures of that are also on Facebook. It was really cool. The guy that did it was amazing, very friendly, knew what he was doing, totally made me comfortable. And it didn't hurt nearly as much as I was expecting it to. It felt alot like getting stung on top of a fresh cigarette burn, and that was mostly just for the outline. The shading, as everyone said, didn't really feel like anything. It was just a little uncomfortable. I sat there and texted Layne the whole time he was filling in my cross, if that tells you anything.

~.: So now I'm trying to update on Gaia, which is nearly impossible because Mom has the crappiest dial up internet connection ever. But speaking of Gaia, there's a whole new layout for it. o.o It's actually really cool.

~.: But I has to go now. Gonna run to Canandaigua with Shawn and pick up some cocoa butter for my tattoo on the way back. :D

skillet, guh, kingdom bound, amazing, tattoo, billy, awesome, omg

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