Apr 16, 2007 23:42
~.: Today I was reminded why I hate people. They are selfish, ugly, stupid, and they cause me to feel cynical. Yes, like everyone else today, I'm posting on the VTech shootings. Humanity is fallen, we are broken, and if we would just stop for a second- long enough to see that we suck- then maybe we'd all be better off as a whole. If that man had paused to think about how little his emotions were worth in comparison with all the lives he was about to take, this could've been prevented. If that stupid woman he called a girlfriend had kept her legs shut, this could've been prevented. If the stupid administration at VTech had responded faster, this could've been prevented. But no. He had to be a selfish, stupid bastard with his hands on a gun. She had to go and be completely unfaithful to him. The administration had to wait, see where the situation would go. Well, are you happy now? 33 people are dead now, thanks.
~.: This was a reminder today. That we aren't better off without God in our lives. We can't do things on our own. We can't handle pain or grief or loss on our own. We need to give it to Someone who has already experienced these things. The One who killed these things and put them in their place. I want so badly for people to at least see that this is an option. To not just be like, "God? Who needs God? Where was your God when that man shot up VTech?" Who needs God? We do. People do! And where was He? He was watching, disturbed, heartbroken, as one of His beloved sons turned on his sisters and brothers and killed them thoughtlessly and in cold blood. He was wanting to stop it but knowing that He couldn't take back His gift of free will without being a backwards God. And so He let it happen, hoping it would teach us a lesson. That we are weak, and that if we aren't careful, our sinful nature will get the best of us and drive us to the brink of .... chaos.
~.: It doesn't even have to be Jesus. So many people get freaked out when they hear Jesus. But at least take a step in the direction that God is calling you, calling everyone. He wants you to be with Himself, and if you let Him He will show you the path He wants you to walk down, and it will be beautiful and wonderful, and you will have hope, and strength, and life will be worth living again. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. When bones break, they grow back stronger. When skin scars over, it's tougher. That's what we need to allow God to do in our lives. Let Him break our bones, cut our skin. And if it hurts and makes us cry, then so much the better, because without the pain and the tears, it means nothing. It needs to hurt because otherwise it won't feel like anything, and if it doesn't feel like anything then how can you be sure you experienced it.
~.: So that's what's going on today. Today, people had their bones broken and their skin cut. People had reality slap them in the face at the cost of 33 lives. And right now it doesn't mean anything, but when the pain finally subsides, it will mean so much.
school shooting,