May 13, 2008 01:29

    So, last thursday Mark, Robin, and I are driving up to Terre Haute to get my engagement ring, and WE GOT REAR ENDED BY A FUCKING SCHOOL BUS FULL OF FIFTH GRADERS. Seriously. Not. Joking. My LAST CAR is more than likely TOTALED. And as we aren't done dealing with my last car accident shit, we aren't able to get a car without someone cosigning...... My dad may not be able to help with the wedding, so it is getting hard core slimmed down to almost nothing..... I CAN'T HANDLE ANY OF THIS SHIT ANY MORE.
Oh, and moving caused a fever blister to appear and I do believe that rogue cars/buses are just drawn to my menstrual blood, as Mark so eloquently put it. My period started the night before, T.M.I., sorry. My first accident happened whilst on my period and my last one just barely preceded it.

*Head, meet Desk. Desk, this is Head*

My back and neck are "strained" Read that as IT HURTS. They gave me Lortab 10 in the ED to help. I got stoned. In front of my boss. I had gone up to my floor to tell her about the accident and was lucky enough to have the Lortab hit me as I'm talking to her. Talk about embarrassing. But, the bright side, if Lortab 10 got me that stoned, I guess that is proof positive of my lack of drug habits.

*Rinse and Repeat. Desk, Head, you've met before*
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