Jun 10, 2009 15:52
As I walked past the TV on my way in from my cigarette the first thing I hear is "If I really love him and I want to move forward in this relationship I'm going to have to let it go."
Anyway, this should be the rest.
6/7 part 3
We're stuck in a traffic jam on 495. Apparently there's a vehicle fire up ahead. I feel pretty lucky considering my car isn't in the best shape, but we haven't had a single problem short of my windshield wipers fucking up here and there. I'm eating a pear that I stole from the breakfast bar at the Best Western. We throw on Judas Priest and start the ruckus at 3 miles an hour. I remember when me and James went to Orlando a year and some change ago to pick up my ticket for fest, and getting stuck in traffic listening to Metallica. That and it being so slow we were able to get a root beer from a mom on the other side just by walking over. It's dark now, so we can't see that much. But we're having fun regardless. People are total jerks, almost every time I see that someone wants to change lanes, and there's enough space for them to get in, I let them. Rather than the 5 or 6 jerks that'll speed up even though they see my signal on for 3 minutes.
We come to the expressway, and we're fucking gunning it. The speed limit is 55, but everyone around us is speeding, so we figure fuck it. We're doing 80, weaving in and out of traffic, with a couple of cars that are hanging close to us, and Breaking the Law comes on. Best. Fucking. Timing. Ever. We miss an exit and have to get back around, and the exit we get off at to get back to the original exit has a really nice view. It's kind of been like that, in the sense that we have a destination and a goal, but if things happen on the way it's not a big deal and we appreciate it. Because fuck, once again this may never happen again. We pass by a city called Triangle, VA. My response:
"Well, they may not be that complex, but at least they're not square!"
Hahaha, fucking horrible I know, but we still had a good laugh. Maybe I just did. Whatever. It's pretty amazing also that there hasn't been a single drop of rain the entire trip. We're now in Maryland, and the mountains make the drive pretty intense. I'm pretty sure we passed a town called "Reading". We're driving, and we're going upwards for what seems like an eternity. As we reach the top and go down we see a gorgeous view of what I think maybe was Baltimore. All I know is that we saw this river, and behind it were all the lights of the city, spread across it. That and with the mountain behind us it was even nicer. The smell up there was pretty good. It was different, not like smoggy smelling, but it just smelled crisp.
We're getting closer, driving on Route 15, and I'm trying to stay the speed limit+5 but everyone is going like, 70 around me. I just didn't feel like getting fucked when I'm 500+ miles away from my dad's, and moreso away from home. We find the exit, and we're finally there.
We pull into a gas station called "Sheetz". I talk to this dude eating a hamburger with his wife in the passenger seat and he say's it's the only thing open right now. Which explained to us why there were like 20 cars just hanging out in the parking lot. We go inside to get some water and use the bathroom. As I'm waiting by the drinks these two girls walk in, and I ask them if I can use their phone, and they're more than willing to oblige. I dunno. I get a hold of Pat, and he tells me he'll be here shortly. I talk to the girls who are like, I dunno, at least 16 I guess, and really bubbly. I ask what they listen to, and of course they listen to EVERYTHING!!!11 I ask them if they like the Pixies. They look at each other and say they have no idea who they are. I tell them to stay where they are, and I run and grab my copy of Doolittle out of the car. I hand it to them and tell them that it's fucking amazing and that they need to listen to it right away. At least it wasn't the Shins or some shit. They take it, laugh and say definitely. Zack and I go outside to roll a smoke, and the girls walk out. I tell them they need to put the CD in their car and start listening to it asap. They smile, say good luck, and drive off listening to Debaser. Maybe they did like it, and listened to it more. But I wouldn't be surprised if they listened to a couple of songs, said it was OK, and put it in their CD case to rot for eternity. Wait, I would be surprised.
Patrick shows up with Rachel, and I hadn't seen them since the fest, nor did I think I was going to again honestly and I found myself smiling a lot. We sat and talked a little bit about the drive, but we couldn't for too long. They brought their friend Brittany along, and apparently her ex-girlfriend had just gotten married. And was having a kid. So she was really fucking down. I ask what there is to do in Gettysburg, and he says jack shit. So we head to downtown (sounds like Fort Myers) and we go to the Lincoln Diner. Apparently the gas station and the diner are the only things open this late (around 11 or 12 I think), and the service is shitty, and they jack up their prices. The waitress walks up with glasses of water and is being a total bitch. I worked at Taco Bell, so I know a shitty food job, but I never was an asshole to someone unless they deserved it. Zack remembers the moonshine jelly, and tells me to order a burger for him and some toast while he goes and grabs it. So the waitress comes back, and everyone places their order until me. I ask her what the difference between a regular cheeseburger and a deluxe cheeseburger, and she tells me.
At the Lincoln Diner in Gettysburg, PA the difference between a "Deluxe Cheeseburger" and a "Cheeseburger", is that the deluxe comes with fries. The regular comes with chips. I figure I'll go with the cheapest, and then I ask for toast.
"What kind of toast would you like?"
"What's the toast of the day?"
"We don't have that."
"OK, well, what would you recommend?"
"Well, I dunno. I don't like wheat and I don't like rye bread."
"I guess that makes things pretty simple doesn't it."
She shoots a couple of knives my way, and walks away. I can't stop laughing. The entire time actually that we were walking to the diner I couldn't stop smiling. It was nice to see friends, and to walk around in a different town. Apparently there's a tree with a plaque that says "Abraham Lincoln may have walked by this tree on his way to give a speech". Tell me that isn't happening. While we're waiting on the food I hear Patrick mutter something as he stares to where his plate should be. He started wondering when the food was going to get here, but it came out of his mouth mid-sentence so it was "Food, I'm hungry." We get a good laugh out of it. Zack gives me some toast to try the jelly on, and it wasn't that bad, kind of strong and burned my throat afterwards. I'm sure if you ate the whole thing it would maybe be like, 2 shots. Brittany starts to cheer up a little bit, we're telling bad jokes, then the waitress comes back to fill up the water.
"Is that pitcher from the 19th century?"
"Yeah, and I made sure not to clean it out for you."
"Gee whiz, I loves me some civil war cooties."
She walks away again. I noticed earlier she was being a bitch to everyone else there anyway, and she gave Patrick a .20 tip when he delivered a pizza to her earlier that day. So I don't feel bad at all.
We get finished up, and leave. Apparently our friend Danielle was hanging out at a friend's place out (somewhere) and we decided to go. We put on some jams, sing some Queen and get there. The houses are built on a slope. As we're driving to it you can see these wide open fields, and the moon is really bright. You can tell that we're in a valley and see the mountains threatening to close in on us. We get there, the guys nice and says we can crash on his couch, and we sit and talk for a little bit. Then they start talking about going to "Mars". We walk out into the woods, and end up in this construction site, with a shitload of puddles reflecting moonlight and contruction equipment around. This turns into the longest sharing of bad/tasteless jokes ever. I'd say we told jokes and sat around for about 30 minutes. Then we decide to go to "Big slide". This church a little while away built this GIGANTIC slide that you slide down on a potato sack or jacket. It's like, a weird warped skeeball lane. It was awesome, because there weren't any lights other than on the slide. When you get to the top, of course there's tons of stupid graffiti drawn on by some juggalo.
"They have juggalos up here?"
"Fuck man, they're everywhere unfortunately."
Zack has been tagging everywhere we stopped, so he puts his mark up, and then I proceed to draw the best tag ever. Dickpollo 11(in). This dickship was magnificent, and it was shooting space crabs with it's laser. I wish we had a camera for this trip, but we couldn't afford a disposable. After getting a decent laugh from that, we slid back down and went to this standing Merry-Go-Round, hop on and spin for about 15 minutes straight, but it got to the point where we were still and the surroundings were moving around us. So we're all spinning around, talking about movies, enjoying silence at a few moments. We talk about superpowers and what we'd like. Then Pat farts. I call doorknob. He has no idea what I'm talking about until his friend Dan explains it to him, and he had heard about it back in middle school. He sprints for it, and I'm right on his ass, but unfortunately for him, there are no doorknobs where we're at. So we run for a while, and eventually just lay down on the grass lookin' up. I liked how there wasn't anything to do, but instead of complaining about it they just did it. Whatever, even if it was something stupid like sitting around telling jokes, they did something. And we talked about things, about what I was going through, and he listened and understood. We talked about how smoking causes a B-Vitamin deficiency and that's why smokers tend to sweat.
It's cold by this point, so we head inside. I check my e-mail, and apparently my dad and D were pissed off because they thought that me and Zack were pulling a fast one on them, which really pissed me off because who would lie about their grandmother dying? So, I read that, read some other things, and go to sleep.
OK, so that's day 1. I'll post the other days tomorrow. It's too much shit to type, hahaha. I miss everybody.