"An unpublished 513-page federal history of the American-led reconstruction of Iraq depicts an effort crippled before the invasion by Pentagon planners who were hostile to the idea of rebuilding a foreign country, and then molded into a $100 billion failure by bureaucratic turf wars, spiraling violence and ignorance of the basic elements of Iraqi society and infrastructure."
www.nytimes.com/2008/12/14/world/middleeast/14reconstruct.html wow, the progressive community called this what about 30 seconds after we first invaded Iraq. Imagine that, all those no-bid oil and reconstruction contracts handed out by the Bush Admin to their business buddies ended up not only completely derailed the Iraqi infrastructure projects but cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars for basically nothing. I'd like to take the time to remind you that these projects were supposed to "win hearts and minds" so that we would be "welcomed with open arms". This is of course the smoking gun on how the handling of the Iraq occupation ended up a failure on every conceivable level, not that we needed more proof then we already have. It's absolutely amazing the utter incompetence that this administration has in terms of basic operation, it's such a terrible tragedy that 4000+ of our citizens and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed and countless displaced (some estimates are as large as half of the Iraqi citizens have either left the country or were killed in the occupation).
But no, we still need to go to Afghanistan...
This is all utter insanity.