ok I'm officially done with this. For the past month I've broken my back bending backwards to the conservatives. I've patiently listened to their viewpoints, I've looked into criticism and I've tried, desperately, to understand and consolidate their side. But yesterdays tax day teabag protests are the last straw. So now I'm going in head first at any and all conservative arguments, because they have proven they are not interested in coming together to make a better country, the only opinion is THEIR opinion, and everyone else is a traitor who deserves to be shot.
YOU PEOPLE ARE LUNATICS. people are talking about secession, not just joe down the street but THE GOVERNOR OF TEXAS. You want to know what happened in the last secession? 618,000 Americans died. DIED. entire states were destroyed. I'm tired of this chicken hawk bullshit conservative platform, always willing to put everyone else on the choppingblock except themselves. Always the first to call for war, always the last in line to serve. You want to know whats unpatriotic? you want to know whats treasonous? Trying to break apart and destroy a country you are part of, in effect declaring war on our government.
FOR GOD SAKES OBAMA HAS BEEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR 3 MONTHS. 3 months and the ideology (nice try at throwing the party name under the bus and declaring yourselves "bipartisan" which you are anything but...) that spent the last 8 years running over every amendment of the bill of rights (except the 2nd), and you dare have the cajones to say that THIS administration is destroying the constitution?
By god you don't even have a coherent message to your protests. What is it? Taxes? you know the ones Obama lowered for 95% of all Americans. Big Government? a principle that a minority of the country subscribes to. "Socialist" economic policies? forget that none of you actually understand the term "socialist", again
a large section of the population wants these regulations in place.
You want to know what their coherent message is? It's "HEY! we're not in power anymore and got our collective asses handed to us in the past 2 election cycles over policies that over the course of 20 years have caused mass disparates in wealth distribution and basically the collapse of our economic system (not to mention a foreign policy strategy that has erased all levels of support and moral high ground we've created in the past 60 years). but we don't want to give up our power the democratic way. We want to force our opinions on everyone else whether they vote for it or not."
You want to make some meaningful input? then come to the table and voice your opinions respectfully. This "I'm taking my ball and going home" mentality only shows that you are all a bunch of adolescent children who are more interested in your own ego then making a more perfect union.
So in conclusion, put up or shut up. You think you can secede and win a war then by all means go ahead, and when your tired of the blood, the death, the destruction, and carnage you can come back like you did in the 1860's. But thats not going to happen, nobody is going to secede, so stop using one of the worst catastrophe's in the history of this nation as some cheap political stunt to blackmail the party in power to enforce your policy.
fucking fascists. (and yes I actually know what that means....)