
Mar 20, 2009 09:22

Can we just move all of FOX News over to the comedy channel? This network has become a complete propaganda machine for the right wing of this country. They don't even put up the facade of objectivity anymore. This "news" organization has become a complete joke and the FCC needs to revoke their ability to legitimately call themselves a "news" media outlet.
Here's some examples: - Acorn director on FOX, she just yells at him for 7 minutes. no questions, no reporting, no journalism. Welcome to FOX. - The grand crazy himself Glenn Beck is running through scenarios of US collapse. Whats his evidence of any of these things? wait, I forgot we're talking about evidence (or sanity) required - Remember this is a "NEWS " station. News. well apparently news is defined as "spew random crap from the opening in your face for an hour" cause that's about all this guy does. Once again, no evidence just a lot of ultra-nationalist crap. Oh, and the tears were pretty over the top, even for Glenn.

How can conservatives possibly say that the media is left wing with a straight face? The rest of the media may be totally lazy and not do any reporting but at least they don't present a single party's talking points as the daily news. What an absolute embarrassment. I think John Cleese said it best in a poem on Bill O'Reilly:

Bill O'Reilly's No Spin Zone is rated highly
by his own beloved mother,
but no other. 
Except that Bill for all his faults
still has one skill, a skill of sort:
He can amuse a true dull ox,
the dullest crayon in the box,
the kind of ox that watches Fox

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