Jun 10, 2003 23:05
I just got to say my friend matt is cool as hell. I was just looking at his profile and its pretty funny i am goin to make one like that when i get a chance. I went to work today I really have no life. I did nothing at work but mow some grass and chase a duck around a pond. It was pretty fun. I got sun burn pretty good too. It sucks my g/f is at her moms house and I havent got to see her in like 30 something hours. I miss her and it sucks that i didnt get to see her today even though i got to talk to her on the phone so that is better then nothing. she signed up for my website to how kool is that.
On other news. I am goin to be a making a speech at def con i cant wait to go even though its goin to be scary making a speech infront of all those people.
well i am off.
I just want to say that i love my g/f alot and she kicks ass.