A naff meme for teenagers...

Jul 11, 2007 14:25

The lovely
a_c_macklin did this meme, and I haven't done one in ages, so here's my timewastey crapola.

3 word quiz.

You have to use 3 words to answer each question.

No more. No less.

It's harder than you think*

1. Where is your cell phone? In my pocket
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Has remarkable patience
3. Your hair? I'm worth it.
4. Where is your father? Chilling down South
6. Your favorite thing to do? Argue the toss
7. Your dream last night? Aide was missing
8. Your favorite drink? Sugary caffeine rubbish
9. Your dream car? Chrysler Sports-hearse
10. The room you're in? Big dull office
12. Your fears? Fill my head
14. Who did you hang out with last night? That'd be Meg
15. What you're not good at? When to shush
16. Muffins? I'll have two.
17. One of your wish list items? Happy ever after
18. Where did you grow up? I'm still trying.
19. The last thing you did before this survey: Not really sure
20. What are you wearing? A tired expression.
23. Your computer? What about it?
24. Your life? Harder than expected
25. Your mood? Tired but hopeful
26. Missing? Far too much
27. What are you thinking about right now? See number 24
28. Your car? It's rather ace
29. Your work? Still lacking motivation
30. Your summer? Would be nice
31. Your relationship status? Still in love
32. Your favorite color(s) Don't have one
33. When is the last time you laughed? Just before sleep
34. Last time you cried? Not long ago
(*This is a lie)

Saw half of Cape Wrath. Prisoner meets Twin Peaks  - passable so far.

Robot Chicken: Star Wars was fecking ace.

Fuck my old boots, that was dull.

EDIT: Now available with added MUPPET. Cheers Nina - it was cocking boring.

pointless timewasting, star wars

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