The truth about Matt Murdock

Nov 29, 2006 23:34

Someone on AICN just posted the sentence

"...if you haven't seen the Director's Cut of Daredevil you haven't seen Daredevil."

Never a truer word was spoken.

HBO have picked up the comic book Preacher (my all time second fave comic after my beloved Poison Elves). Fucking nay-sayers are all over this like a rash already, but I genuinely think this will be the bomb.

We shall see... Back references will be made if it sucks. My predictions are not law (although I'm still waiting to pick martincutbill up on the Jack Sparrow samurai gear).

In the meanwhile, we can speculate on casting. I bring subjective truth. Tell me yours.

No memes, as today's lot have made me feel terribly insignificant and out of touch with people I used to know in a virtual, internetty way.

Oh, and why the FUCK was ANTM a recap show this week? Not best pleased, I tells ya.

antm (still not gay), comic book stuff

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