I killed Episode II

Apr 03, 2006 09:23

See, this is the reason I shouldn't be left at home alone for the weekend:

Aside from three trips to the gym (I should totally have had Brandon Routh's gig), I have (I think) finished my re-edit of Star Wars Episode II. I'll give it the "I'm done " seal when I can bear to watch it all the way through (having seen some scenes over an over and over and over during the last week). Using a Digiman edit as a starting template, I've hacked it quite a lot. There's no 50s diner at all, Anakin never tells Padmé he killed sand people (would you marry the tall drink of water a few days after that confession?), the droids never leave the ship on Geonosis (thus no comedy in the arena battle and no R2 rocket boosters), Padmé is still a Queen and there is no frolicking in fields. I've also taken a lot of the crap dialogue out, mostly Anakin's, and some of baby Boba's, and made dozens of other tiny trims here and there.

There's only one edit I'm not happy with, in that Padmé kinda guesses what Palpatine is going to say before he says it, but until I can get the dialogue I need to replace it (I'll see if I can find what I need in Ep 1 and lift it from there), it'll have to do for now. That, or I'll just drop the full scene back in where Padmé gets referred to as a senator, as there's no reason she can't be Queen of Naboo and also a member of the Galactic Senate, I guess.

I can gives copies to mates if requested when I'm totally happy with it.
Next stop... Episode 1. I may be some time.

In other news, randomly bumped in to a friend I haven't seen in 10 years on Saturday, had a lovely Sunday lunch on Sunday, and generally felt somewhat at odds with the world as I was agendaless, megless and listless.

star wars

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