Health whinge the second... Whinge harder

Jan 31, 2011 09:08

Excitedly bought Dead Space 2 on my lunch-hour on Friday, and have (for health reason) be unable t play it for more than 2 minutes. Massive flare-ups in both my hands mean I simply couldn’t grip the xbox controller. Most frustrating. So… Here is my entry about my health (part 2 - this time it’s whinier)

Attempts to reduce my steroids in January cause a complete relapse. So far increases of my steroids (from 5mg every 2 days to 7.5mg every day) has failed to (both literally and figuratively) get my back on my feet. I’m sure it will given time (it’s been a week so far, after two weeks of 5mg per day didn’t help), but currently I’m unable to effectively use one or more limb on a daily basis, and and more often than not am in quite a lot of pain. This is frustrating for me for me, and no doubt distressing for Meg.

I have booked Serenity, Scouts (booked but not yet paid), Haven (as crew) and will be booking the Vipers and the Greek event (which I was supposed to be helping write and run). My attendance at all of these event depends upon my health improving significantly, as I’m currently not well enough to run my tabletop campaign on a regular basis. I’m very excited to play my first Viper event in more than three years, will be gutted if I can’t go, but thems, as they say, the breaks.

Have recently rediscovered how awesome Third Rock From The Sun was.

Next entry will not be whingy - promise.
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