Weekend stuff

Dec 01, 2008 12:18

Weekend was good.

X-Factor trash telly nonsense continued in the usual way of watching the Great British Public systematically throw out those with any semblance of talent. The freak-haired child's continued presence is becoming somewhat uncomfortable viewing, and the oh-so-quirky student continues to degenerate into sounding like Cilla Black with hiccups. I can only assume that Leona girl was an aberration the other year.

Harts social was fun. Mildly annoying as all the player exploding rite harmy shenanigans happened just before time out, but we ate all the cake, so that was a win condition met.

Saw Mitch Benn playing at The Approach last night. He was very funny indeed. Opening act Wil Hodgson bombed horribly. Seemed like a nice chap, but was utterly unfunny. orphiel  fell asleep during his set, which was a far more eloquent critique than I could write here.

comedy, shit telly, larpyness

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