Apr 03, 2004 12:37
Hey, Brijette is a wonderful girl. She convicted me of my sins in the area of music. Now I am trashing all of the not good ones (or maybe burning them heh heh). Plus I'm getting rid of my Simple Plan DVD, which I just bought for $15 but that's okay, it wasn't that good anyway.
I have to work tomorow, I hate my job. I have a job landscaping for a one man company called Outstanding Landscaping. How outstanding can a landscaping company be when them one employee is a 15 year old kid in high school that has no previous experience? The answer, it can't.
Our computer is pretty jacked up. It has 5 or 6 virus's and it runs eeextrreemmeellyy slowly, and it can't even burn a cd (Worship Together: I could sing of your love Forever) without taking an hour on one song. So I'm going to wait until we fix it to burn it.
I need to do my literature (we are reading Count of Monte Cristo, which is an interesting story except that I've never been a big fan of reading. The only books I have ever read for pleasure are the Harry Potter books, the Everworld books, and I am reading the Dark Elf Trilogy right now and after that I will probably read the Icewind Dale Trilogy and then other books by R. A. Salvatore. I hear he is a great author and from the 1/2 of Homeland that I have read I agree. So if you are into fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings and stuff then he is definitely a good author. Well, I'm done know.