Mar 27, 2010 10:39
When I was on the plane to Florida I was reading one of those lame magazines they give you in the back of the seat, and this guy was put to the task of starting a farm/garden in the back of his apartment in Brooklyn. The idea was he had to start a farm that could sustain him for a month straight. So he had chickens and rabbits and potatoes etc. He busted his butt on this little mini-farm and his neighbors, and the UPS guy who brought him his chickens, and most importantly his family thought he was completely crazy. He wasn't doing it because he was some weirdo hippie though, it was for this writing assignment, or it started out that way, but the guy threw himself into it wholeheartedly and really got into it. Even after the month he continued to raise chickens in his yard and eat them. He spent nights tilling up his crappy yard, and figuring out if the soil was good for such and such a crop. It was a really interesting read.
Anyways, sometimes when I am reading things, even crappy magazines, I find quotes that stick out to me, so I write them down on the back of whatever I have around at the moment. Sometimes they get into my phone, sometimes they only make it to something forgettable like the back of a receipt- which I then inevitably throw out during a purse cleaning excursion by accident without realizing there's something good on the back of that doughnut receipt. Even when I manage to keep these quotes I can't decide where to put them, are they a facebook profile thing? Under favorite quotes? Most of them are so long and silly it seems unreasonable to put them there. So I'm going to try to remember to put them here. That is what I'll do with them. At least I can clean out my drawers of the cluttery mess.
And without further ado, my very favorite quote, from the back of a Florida diner receipt, from the story about the Brooklyn farmer guy, he's talking about how his hard work and dedication to his pursuit have changed him and the new way in which he looks at himself:
"It was not entirely flattering really- driven, uncompromising, solitary, selfish even. Still it was an enormous relief to finally find me, to put aside my fears that I might never recognize the real me in the crowd of costumed approximations."