Nate bought me one last year for my birthday (April) and in mid October I went to go read a book and it was all grey lines and DEAD! It sucked but I figured customer support would help. Which it did, it sent me a box to send my broken one in and then sent me a new Kobo eReader. Thinking it was just a fluke I wasn't too worried until I saw SO MANY complaints about the eReaders doing that A LOT. So I've been extra gentle with the one I received in November.
GUESS WHAT! Went to go read it the other day and ITS FUCKING BROKEN TOO. CUE MANY RAGES.
I'm emailing back and forth with Kobo currently but it looks like this time *I* have to ship it to them and pay for that myself which is BULLSHIT. The damn thing doesn't even last 6 months. I'm so pissed. I've already spent a bunch in covers and lights and books and their damn product shouldn't be crap!
The morale of this story? Fuck you Kobo...
Oh, and don't buy those eReaders, they suck.