Title: "An Interesting Effect"
Series: Mini-Vengers
whogeek Fandom: Avengers (Mostly Movie-verse)
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, mentions of others.
Rating: PG-13 for Tony's vocabulary
Word Count: 1397
Warnings: Uhhh.... Cuteness? Team-y goodness? Bruce actually taking charge of things?
Genre: Gen, Silliness, Fluff?
Summary: Tony is working on something, and then it goes off, leaving himself and Steve in a rather odd situation.
Author's Note: I was going through my Avengers bookmarks and came across a Tumblr bookmark that had... well, a rather humorous drawing. I mentioned to
shanachie_quill that someone should write it. And then I started writing it. My muses are a bunch of bastards, because this is already a series in my head.
Steve wanders down to the workshop...