Aug 04, 2006 19:03
+ Done with summer classes
+ Received Dassaigo Band Brothers today
- Had to wake up on a Saturday to move my brother
- Got a parking ticket at UNF
+ Got revenge that can't be discussed
- Was called today and apparently being pissed off I broke a door and am being charged by UNF.
+/- In a few months, I'll take some sort of revenge similar to other previously taken revenge. I'm petty as hell, w/e.
- Dad has been having foot problems
- Dad is now in the hospital, getting out tommorrow
- I feel like really hurting someone
+ I think I may do a DC trip in the next week or two
So that's my week. I'm less pissy then I was a few hours ago thank largely to a nap and some quality time with the DS today with my pa in the hospital. Also, it looks like it may rain any time so I'm going to grill myself something to eat before that happens.
Workload this week for IP:
-The Descent review
-MacGyver Season 6 review
-Hill Street Blues Season 2 review
-Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth review
-Wii Virtual Console feature
-Some silly column for games
-Sybil review
-Halloween mega review
It looks like a long list, but it'll get my mind off of all the shit that's been happening this week.