"Daddy's money, her mama's good looks...."

Jul 30, 2004 22:26

Wow, instead of updating, I come do all the random quizes and leave. Crazy!!!

WOW, we're moving kind've fast aren't we?

LMAO, Thats funny. Who thinks of these things???

Sweet, I lovfe wrighting, not that I'm any good at it but oh well.

DUDE I LOVE PAINT IT BLACK, Mick Jagger rules!!! And Vanessa Carlton's version rocksth as well.

well thats it for me. I watched a couple good movies. Snatch, The Sleepers, The Hunted, The Butterfly Effect, and I saw King Authur with the Bro and his buddy. It was good. Kind've jumpy, but good. Also I finally rented Pulp fiction!! HURRAY!
Well, off to bed, I might be getting a phone call telling me I have to go into work tomorrow...
--Loves, the girl who makes appereances for random lj quizes
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