When you're too lazy to buy things that are important...

Dec 09, 2009 17:37

I'm not really doing my math homework. OTL

Sadly, I'm thinking about college and how different it will be. Haha, I'm kinda scared about making new friends all over again especially if I do choose to go to Rice. I hear that people in Texas are really conservative...okay not 'hear'. It's a generalization, but that also means it'll be difficult for me to settle in...being a 'loose lil' Cali gurl' hur hur.

Ah, what's really amusing about California~! Since we recently had rain, everyone in school is totally amazed by the fact that water can actually fall from the sky~! Yes, true that California doesn't get much rain through the year, but some of the students acted like it was completely foreign. I laughed.

But, I know how unprepared we are for rain as a school and as Californians. While I was taking an econ test, the fire alarm went off due to a shortage caused by the rain water which I assume leaked into the building and messed with the circuitry. The alarm lasted a good ten minutes and my ears were bleeding by the end of it, but it really shows how ready for winter everyone is.

I love the rain. I'm glad it's winter~<3 The grey sky is really pretty...it has a certain surreal sense to it...haha, I don't know, maybe I'm BSing this stuff...

And with Anime Los Angeles drawing closer, I'm reminded that I should really buy my ALA tickets. We have yet to reserve the hotel because ma groupe du trois still doesn't know who is driving us to LA. I'm also quite tempted to do a girlish version of Austrian Succession France just so that I don't have to bind. And somehow, I have to lighten up three shades in order to not look as strange with blonde hair.

And UAHHHH! I haven't finished my college apps. OTL FOUR SCHOOLS TO GO! Dammit, Neetu! GO effing WORK ALREADY! -digs self grave-

cosplay, conventions, slice of life, school

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