Apr 25, 2006 22:33
another rant from HIST 268
***Warning: the following is a rant from a notoriously non-politically correct libertarian
who has an axe to grind and isn't afraid to admit it and to point out the blatantly
This book starts off in a time when Fascism was dealt a tremendous blow with the defeat
of the Axis Powers in WWII and then shifts into a chronology of the revival of Fascism in
America. As it has been demonstrated the only countries in the history of the world have
been those who have at the least met three basic criteria: a stable currency, the
universal rule of law, and individual property rights. All Fascist/Totalitarian states in the
history of the world have gained power by subourning at least one of these in order to
control the people of their respective country. In this book it espouses the desire of well
off intellectuals to promote environmentalism, which in itself is not wrong or necessarily
bad, through the use of Fascist legeslation and actions, which is an intolerable evil for a
free society. While respectable environmentalists like William Whyte championed
property rights and individual responsibilities and freedoms (128-131) they were
overshadowed by the fascist tendencies of government bureacracies and intellectualls as
outlined in "The Use of the Land" published in 1973 (137) and by socialists like John
Cribbet who argued for the expansion of "public rights" (232) over private property.
Precedents like the Just vs. Marinette County (234) case start the rolling back of
individual property rights and the start of the governmental use of force to coerce its own
citizens to submit like dogs to unconstitutional actions, if you think that this wont happen
just look at the Kelo case from last years Supreme Court. The Constiution was
established in the first place to limit the powers of Government and to grant it rights and
powers based upon the will of the people, it is dangerous to liberty to allow civil servants
to grant themselves new powers and rights; one just has to look at anti-drug laws and
the restriction of same sex marriage to understand the dangers inherent to a free society
when the "public good" is more important than an individuals right to choose how to live
their lives and use their property. These dangers were realized even back in 1975 with
the publishing of "The New Feudalism" in 1975 (243) warning that this trend of giving the
state power over how property should be used will bring a resurgance of Old World
Feudalism and the start of an American Fascist state akin to such paragons of human
virtue like Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union. In the immortal words of Kyle
Braflowski on Southpark epsisode-713:" You just hate smoking, so you use all your
money and power to force others to think like you. And thats called Fascism you tubby
asshole!" Now lets just replace the word "smoking" with "people building houses"...