I cant sleep, i suppose i could make good use of this time -although i feel most of what comes out of my brain this late is gib-jab-gibberish. School has been estressing me out something awful, considering ive only got three classes, and one of them is a photo class - that all sounds quite pathetic. One of em is a structural design class, the group projects are a terror. I cant understand why no one appreciates the class for what it is, 'fun', and practicality, both of which are lacking in most of my classes. at this point, i would gladly fight one of my group members to the death, just to provoke some sort of response out of his non committal ass.
the darkroom is mine, results are sure to vary.
ive been busy trying to be an RA upon my return from study abroad - if i happen to go this fall - fighting for interaction with my group, avoiding serious studies - this has led to atleast one very bad midterm - and general confusion.
recently i have become interested in a girl and have been spending most of my free time with her. i have been avoiding this for a long time - up is down in my world, down is up.
she is into photography, this could be trouble.