(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 14:12

So sorry about the lateness on this, guys. There was some confusion last week and this morning I woke up to find my dog dead. Woo. ): SO, in honor of a sad morning, I present this week's much more pleasant theme...

Icons submitted: 2

This one's definitely not hard. ♥ Furuba's filled with happy moments - pick your favorite and icon it.

- You are allowed to submit up to TWO (2) icons for this theme.
- No cross-submitting icons. The same icon cannot be participating in more than one icontest.
- Do not post your icon(s) publically before winners are announced! Failure to comply will result in disqualification.


Community icon by: riyuji

Deadline: Saturday, March 15st @ 6pm EST
This gives you guys plently of time to start submitting! Late entries are accepted up until voting is posted.

PLEASE READ! I will be requiring an 8 icon minimum before I post voting. This means, if we do not get eight icons by the deadline, there will be an extention until a suitable number is reached... or it's obvious we're not going to meet it. =/ I will be keeping a tally on this post. (: Hope this helps raise activity!

Have fun!

orlandogirl, would it be possible to arrange mod schedules sometime in the near future? I've got a busy next few weeks so I'd be very appreciative if we could work something out soon. Just let me know. Thanks!
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