Sorry for the lateness of this~!!!! XDDD I was so excited about the new theme that I spaced on the results for this one (plus I was hoping for more votes), BUT ANYWAY.. HERE ARE THE RESULTS.
(and boy, I hate accidentally posting such things to my journal and not the community XD)
1st Place - with 21 points
mizugazipan 2nd Place - with 10 points
jedisakora 3rd Place - with 9 points
mizugazipan - congrat's on the double win~! XD
Runners up are as follows: #4 - 6 points; #2 - 5 points; #6 - 3 points
Banners will be made by me if you'd like them. XD *needs to work on banners*
'Nother reminder to please participate in the
Before and After theme for week 178.