Badfic App

Nov 06, 2011 18:01

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Danni
Age: Seriously, I'm running out of age jokes.
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: I don't exist. You can't track me down, coppers!
Personal LJ: Dannipet
How did you hear about Badfic? It's all the rage in Hell.

IC Information:

Character Name: Bela Talbot
Name that appears on plaque: Bela Talbot
Character Journal: Furtum_est_Vita
Canon: Supernatural
Point in Canon: Just before the Hellhounds get her.
Age: Er...twenty something.
Birthday: Good question. I don't think she celebrates.

She has a bit of a pissed off, exotic cat look about her.

Abilities: Other than being able to speak with spirits, Bela doesn't have a whole lot of supernatural ability herself. She's an accomplished thief, though she usually hires goons to do some of the dirtier work for her. She's a brilliant actress, and talented at disguising herself when she wants to. Her biggest talent seems to be the ability to con people out of money and rare items.

Bela is very resourceful and high spirited. Confident. Selfish. She’s learned to look out for herself because there never is anyone else and she hates owing favors to people. Nor does she seem to care much about the welfare of others, if they live or die or just get hurt. Money is very important to her, though she was already wealthy from her parents’ inheritance. She doesn’t seem to be afraid to die, knowing she was already going to, but she does value the things she can do in life, intent to live as much as she can, the way she wants to, before her time is up. However, when the time comes, she didn’t really want to die, was even afraid, and tries to do what she can to stay alive, even if it meant asking for help.

On a regular day she’s witty, sarcastic, and willing to use her looks against people. She’s very flirtatious too. If she finds a weakness against someone, she will use it but she doesn’t tend to do anything unless there’s something to gain in the action. She’s not cheap either. Even just information tends to cost people thousands of dollars if she knows they really want it. She doesn’t make friends. She gains temporary allies but one should be careful that she never has a reason to turn on them because she will if the price is high enough. Her own life is more important than anyone else.

- Resourceful
- Strong-willed
- Clever
- Self-reliant
- Beautiful

- Detached
- Self-absorbed
- Greedy
- Stuck up
- Sore winner


Little is known about her past. Bela was born to a wealthy family in England. The only thing known about her family is that her dad sexually abused her. She didn’t seem to find any comfort with her mom from it, and appears to have no siblings. When she was fourteen a demon came to her and offered her a way out, telling her it could help her and she wouldn’t have to pay for it for ten years. She agreed and the demon killed her parents. Bela inherited their wealth but little else is known about her until she meets the Winchesters ten years later. It can only be assumed that sometime during those ten years she learned of all the creatures that most people think are just stories, and decided to use it to her advantage. She became a thief instead of a hunter, with the intention of stealing priceless cursed objects and selling them off to the highest bidder, changing her name and learning to erase her tracks so no one knew who she really was.

She first meets Dean and Sam when she hires two thugs to steal a curse box from one of their dad’s storage sheds. Instead of just passing it on, the thugs opened the box, revealing a lucky rabbit’s foot that truly gave the person who owned it extraordinary good luck until they lost it, in which their luck would turn fatal. Before she could retrieve it, the Winchesters caught up to the thieves and Sam became the new owner of the foot. When they were still trying to figure out what they were going to do, Bela stole it from Sam, careful not to touch it, and hightailed it. However, with help from Bobby Singer, Dean found her and stole it back so he could destroy it before Sam’s bad luck killed him. Bela tried getting it back, ambushing them, but Dean tricked her into touching the foot and she had to allow them to destroy it so she didn’t get cursed as well. She stole their winning lottery tickets as payment for not being able to sell the foot.

She meets them again as she is ensuring an older woman, under the alias of Alex, that her granddaughter’s murder was solved. Her target is the Hand of Glory, an old cursed artifact and she fools the Winchester’s, who were also investigating the murder, into helping her steal it. Before she can ditch them and sell the artifact off, she sees a ghost ship that was the cause of the murder, a spirit that only targeted people that spill the blood of their family, revealing to Sam and Dean that she’d killed before, though they don’t find out the circumstances. They help her, destroying the spirit for good, and she gives them $10,000 as a thank you before disappearing again.

After that Gordon, a hunter who’s out for blood against Sam, catches up to her and threatens her in order to find out where the brothers were. Seemingly unafraid, she agrees only on the condition of payment, acquiring a priceless mojo bag Gordon had. She then calls Dean and gets their location, though I’m not sure it’s ever said when she gets his number. She conveniently ‘forgot’ to warn them of Gordon, but ends up helping them find him later so they can kill him once and for all. It’s revealed that she talks to spirits in order to get some of her information.

The next time she encounters them they have asked her for help in order to get some African Dreamroot so they can help Bobby. She helps them, saying that she’s just repaying a favor to Bobby, but once they save him she had quickly disappeared again, stealing the colt, one of the few weapons they had that could kill a demon. They track her down to her hotel room but she’s just a step ahead of them, having left already. She had laid a trap for them to keep them off her tail a little longer, having called the police on them. She doesn’t see them again until Dean finally tracks her down after getting a hold of her permanent record and learning about her parents. He almost killed her after she told him she already sold the colt, but held off instead claiming she wasn’t worth it. Relieved, she made a call after he left, not saying who she was calling, and relayed that she knew where the boys were staying.

That night she snuck into their motel room and shot the beds, intending on killing them, but found that they pulled a fast one on her like she’d done to them before, having already left. Dean calls and tells her he did a little research and came to the conclusion that she’d made a deal with a demon and that night was ten years later to the day. She tells him that the demon had said she could get out of the deal if she stole the colt, but changed it last minute to have her kill Sam as well. She asks the brothers for help, but Dean tells her it’s too late, though if she’d only asked them before they could have tried to do something to help her. As a last favor she tells him that it was Lilith that held all of the deals, including one Dean had made. As the clock strikes twelve, she hears Hellhounds barking as they come after her. Her death isn’t shown, but heavily implied.

First Person Sample:
*she tries to run as the glass shatters and the hounds leap towards her, the baying of hell surrounding her on all sides. She smacks into the door when suddenly the world goes quiet. She turns to find the room empty behind her, changed. The glass is no longer broken, and the sun sparkles merrily into a room that could never have belonged to a motel.*

This can't be Hell.

*On an end table, next to a lush, queen sized bed, was a blackberry phone, propped up and blinking. The screen itself was black, but if it was recording her...

She hurried over to snatch it up, looking it over, and giving any watchers a dizzying view of the rest of the room, before leveling it and staring straight at the camera*

Hello? Is anyone watching? Can someone tell me where I am? Am I dead?

Third Person Sample:

She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't. There had been no pain, no sensation of falling. She had felt the hot breath of the hounds, so why was she suddenly standing inside a manor, looking out over the grounds, and holding a phone that probably cost as much as her apartment? It made absolutely little sense.

And if she was in fact, dead, then how was this Hell? It was so...nice. She'd been under the believe that Hell would be a torturous realm. Was this the waiting room? A false sense of security before the true horror starts?

Bela felt like kicking herself. She knew what she had done wrong. She should have tried to con the demon that had her soul, rather than the only two men in the whole world who could have helped her. If she'd only been smarter, but no. This wasn't the time to dwell on that. Right now she had to face her fate like the woman she prided herself on being. She wouldn't show fear when she opened that door. She would show what she'd always shown the rest of the world: Strong, cocky confidence that kept her alive in a world of backstabbers and monsters.

After what she'd been through? A little Hell couldn't hurt.

Links: Pretty much everything here can be used as an example of roleplaying her. I'd played her extensively on SWS.

Notes: Nothing I can think of offhand. Except I will use her to torment Dean mercilessly.

[what] app, [comm] badfic_manor, [what] ooc

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