Caroline is flying out from Texas for Spring Break. It's going to be SO much fun. She's 21 and from Louisiana.. haha. Beach every day!! Yeeeeahhh! Kristine and I are going to the beach next weekend. I'm going to drive there in my ugly crap car. haha. See, I wouldn't mind if it was just a piece of crap, but it's an ugly car that tries to be nice. This is what they look like:
Mine has a retard spoiler (trying to make itself look cool) and a gold little stripe across it. God I hate gold! But it's a car, so I can't really complain. Last weekend I was home 15 minutes
late. Yeah.. So I had to be home by 10 this weekend, which is ridiculous. Friday night, I went to this kid's house. Everyone was smoking, and I was bored, so I left. Then, I went to some girl's birthday party or something for like 5 minutes. Everyone there was younger than me, and it was weird. Glen and Neil were there.. hahaha. I thought it was so funny. I was like god all of these girls are like 10.. Hey Glen, that's just your type. I still think that's pretty funny now. So after that, I gave up on finding anything eventful to do and went home. Then, at about 1 in the morning someone was knocking on my window and scared the crap out of me.. It was Christina and Nicole, and it was the most random thing ever. We have a 7 period day tomorrow because of the stupid hurricanes.. That's nice. Oh, and tennis season started. That's it!
P.S. Should I save up to paint the car black? I think the red looks kinda weird.