in conversing with certain strong acquaintances of mine earlier this evening (arguably the first of two thousand seven, although the starting point is quite arbitrary) we arrived - by way of a joke involving the word "farce" - at the idea of words that are what their definitions mean. the most perhaps obvious example of this is "word;" here are
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it's not that simple, of course, and meta-theorems that account for the paradoxical theorem n could be put into to resolve, sort of, the problem, making a specific exception of sorts for n and preserving the p m's coherence. the problem with that is that goedel showed, i think in the same paper, that those meta-theorems, and the meta-theorems of those meta-theorems, are all vulnerable to the epimenides move he made before. there's no way around it for the p m or any system like it. a totally awesome and really entertaining book on this (and music, and a i, and escher, and zen, and others) is douglas hofstader's goedel, escher, bach. it's arranged in alternating chapters and dialoguesm and the dialogues are really ingenious. some are arranged like fugues, one is one big palindrome, etc etc. SORRY IF THIS HORNS IN ON YOUR RESEARCH BUT I FIGURED YOU WOULD LIKE IT.
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