Aug 12, 2009 11:37
Sometimes I have been known to base what i think of a person (or their actions) on their listening or viewing preferences.
ie. "There's no way (insert name here) could have done (insert horrible thing here). He listens to (insert band name here)!"
I am aware that this is obviously a strange and flawed way of judging people but I have found it to be surprisingly accurate sometimes!
Are there musical acts or movies/TV shows that would change your mind about a person, based on theri love of it? Or conversely, are there people who you don't like, who, if you found out they had a soft spot for, say... Belle & Sebastian, you would change your opinion of?
end of line
PS. I mention Belle & Sebastian as a "soft option" because they still have a little bit of edgy, indie cred - as opposed to, for instance, Air Supply - which is just creepy.